sherlock-audit / 2023-02-fair-funding-judging

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hickuphh3 - First deposit fails because initial debt is negative #37

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



First deposit fails because initial debt is negative


Before the first debt mint is performed, the initial debt returned will be negative after the first deposit. Converting between signed and unsigned integers reverts if the input is negative, thus causing the deposit to always fail.

Vulnerability Detail

The 1st register_deposit() call will perform deposit_underlying() to transfer WETH into the alchemist. Following which, it calls _calculate_amount_to_mint() to see how much debt can be minted.

The current debt amount is fetched in _calculate_max_mintable_amount()

current_debt: uint256 = convert(IAlchemist(self.alchemist).accounts(self)[0], uint256)`

However, since no debt has been minted yet, current_debt returns a negative value. As a result, converting it to uint256 reverts.


I copied over the contracts to a new foundry X vyper repo using and setup mainnet forking.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.18;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../../lib/utils/VyperDeployer.sol";

import "../IVault.sol";
import "../IAlchemistV2.sol";
import "../MintableERC721.sol";
import "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract VaultTest is Test {
    ///@notice create a new instance of VyperDeployer
    VyperDeployer vyperDeployer = new VyperDeployer();

    FairFundingToken nft;
    IVault vault;
    IAlchemistV2 alchemist = IAlchemistV2(0x062Bf725dC4cDF947aa79Ca2aaCCD4F385b13b5c);
    IWhitelist whitelist = IWhitelist(0xA3dfCcbad1333DC69997Da28C961FF8B2879e653);
    address yieldToken = 0xa258C4606Ca8206D8aA700cE2143D7db854D168c;
    IERC20 weth = IERC20(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);
    // pranking from big WETH holder
    address admin = 0x2fEb1512183545f48f6b9C5b4EbfCaF49CfCa6F3;

    function setUp() public {
        nft = new FairFundingToken();
        /// @notice: I modified vault to take in admin as a parameter
        /// because of pranking issues => setting permissions
        vault = IVault(
            vyperDeployer.deployContract("Vault", abi.encode(address(nft), admin))
        // to avoid having to repeatedly cast to address
        address vaultAdd = address(vault);

        // whitelist vault in Alchemist system


        // check yield token is whitelisted

        // mint a few tokens to self
        for (uint i; i < 5; ++i) {
  , i);

        // give max WETH approval to vault
        weth.approve(vaultAdd, type(uint256).max);

    function testDepositUnderlying() public {
        weth.transfer(address(this), 10e18);


        weth.approve(address(alchemist), type(uint256).max);

        int256 debt;
        address[] memory depositedTokens;
        (debt, depositedTokens) = alchemist.accounts(admin);
        // this will be negative

Here's an actual deposit showing how the debt is negative initially, before minting.



The first deposit will always revert.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Foundry, Mainnet Forking, Manual Review


The bigger question here is that as repayments can be both automatic (from strategies) or manual, the debt amount becomes less negative over time.

Consider how to handle the case where debt is negative.

Unstoppable-DeFi commented 1 year ago

We’ve done multiple full circle integration tests on a forked mainnet against the actual Alchemix deployment and have never run into this issue.

Since we atomically deposit into Alchemix and mint a debt in the same transaction (as part of register_deposit) this is not an issue.

If done over multiple transactions / blocks where the deposited collateral already accrues a yield before the debt is taken out it can happen I assume.

But in our context not an issue.

HickupHH3 commented 1 year ago

That's weird, I'm also testing against a forked mainnet using Foundry and Alchemy for my fork URL. I ran into this issue because I was testing a POC for another issue where I was using register_deposit, then got a failing EVM: revert for it.

Let me test out with Tenderly.

Unstoppable-DeFi commented 1 year ago

That's weird, I'm also testing against a forked mainnet using Foundry and Alchemy for my fork URL. I ran into this issue because I was testing a POC for another issue where I was using register_deposit, then got a failing EVM: revert for it.

Let me test out with Tenderly.

Let me know if I can help somehow.

HickupHH3 commented 1 year ago

Verified with Tenderly that debt will be 0, seems like it's an issue with ~Foundry~ Alchemy (tested with another RPC, confirmed 0 debt).

That said, I think it should still be fixed. #115 covers the generic issue, but only states the possibility. A possible scenario would be where the debt is fully paid off through repay() after minting => DoS-ing future deposits.

Unstoppable-DeFi commented 1 year ago

We’ll review this issue again.

Conceptually it was always intended to have a short & limited auction period (days to weeks) and given the low APYs on Alchemix vaults (paired with mainnet tx costs) the scenarios of overlapping auctions and fully repaid debts was not a realistic scenario we optimized for. But we’ll definitely double check.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Closing the issue based on the above comments.