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7siech - Anyone can start an auction #88

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Anyone can start an auction


It is possible for anyone to call settle right after the AuctionHouse contract has been deployed causing the NFT with _start_token_id to be minted to the fallback_receiver and setting self.epoch_start to the current block.timestamp effectively starting the auction to start accepting bids without the owner ever having called start_auction.

Vulnerability Detail

Both self.epoch_start and self.epoch_end have a default value of 0 and thus _epoch_in_progress() will evaluate to False fulfilling the assert in settle().

Once settle() has been called, self.epoch_start will be set to block.timestamp and thus bid() can be called.



Code Snippet

This will evaluate to False right after the contract has been deployed.

# @audit q epoch start and end can be the same
def _epoch_in_progress() -> bool:
        Checks if we are currently between epoch_start and epoch_end.
    return block.timestamp >= self.epoch_start and block.timestamp <= self.epoch_end

Allowing anyone to call settle()

def settle():
        Settles the latest epoch / auction.
        Reverts if the auction is still running.
        Mints the NFT to the highest bidder. 
        If there are no bids, mints the NFT to the FALLBACK_RECEIVER
        Resets everything and starts the next epoch / auction.
    assert self._epoch_in_progress() == False, "epoch not over"

And subsequently place a bid

def bid(_token_id: uint256, _amount: uint256):
        Create a new bid for _token_id with _amount.
        Requires msg.sender to have approved _amount of WETH to be transferred
        by this contract.
        If the bid is valid, the previous bidder is refunded.
        If the bid is close to epoch_end, the auction is extended to prevent 
    @param _token_id
        The token id a user wants to bid on.
    @param _amount
        The amount of WETH a user wants to bid.
    assert self._epoch_in_progress(), "auction not in progress"

Tool used

Foundry Manual Review


Adding an additional assert to settle -

assert self.epoch_start > 0, "auction not started"

Duplicate of #39