sherlock-audit / 2023-02-hats-judging

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w42d3n - HatsSignerGateBase.countValidSignatures() is susceptible to replay attacks #129

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



HatsSignerGateBase.countValidSignatures() is susceptible to replay attacks


Use of ecrecover is susceptible to signature malleability which could lead to replay attacks

Vulnerability Detail

The function countValidSignatures() use the function ecrecover to verify data signatures.

The built-in EVM precompile ecrecover is susceptible to signature malleability (because of non-unique s and v values) which could lead to replay attacks.


The function countValidSignatures() is susceptible to replay attacks.

Therefore the number of hats-valid signatures within a set of signatures might be wrong which is used to 'check transactions'.

 uint256 validSigCount = countValidSignatures(txHash, signatures, signatures.length / 65);

Code Snippet

                // If v > 30 then default va (27,28) has been adjusted for eth_sign flow
                // To support eth_sign and similar we adjust v and hash the messageHash with the Ethereum message prefix before applying ecrecover
                currentOwner =
                    ecrecover(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", dataHash)), v - 4, r, s);
            } else {
                // Default is the ecrecover flow with the provided data hash
                // Use ecrecover with the messageHash for EOA signatures
                currentOwner = ecrecover(dataHash, v, r, s);

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider using OpenZeppelin’s ECDSA library (which prevents this malleability) instead of the built-in function:


spengrah commented 1 year ago

This should be addressed by fixing the re-entry guard

cc @zobront

spengrah commented 1 year ago

Upon further discussion/review, I'm removing the confirmed tag:

From @zobront:

This isn't a valid issue. Signature malleability just means you could find another address signing different data with the same sig. But this (a) needs to be the same data and (b) has already gone through the Safe's signature check, which checks that the signature that signed is actually a signer on the safe, which the random signature wouldn't be.