sherlock-audit / 2023-02-kairos-judging

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glcanvas - Possible reentrancy which allows to write incorrect supplyPositionIndex #140

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Possible reentrancy which allows to write incorrect supplyPositionIndex


Due to reentrancy attack it's possible to has at least two Loan with the same supplyPositionIndex. And if the Kairo service provides market data (information about Loans) to another services these consumers might receive wrong data and show incorrect price. So Attacker might manipulate market price.

Vulnerability Detail

1) Attacker has real NFT collection. 2) Attacker has poisoned ERC20 token, which named like USDC. 3) Attacker has NFT collection. 4) Attacker creates N Offers which want to buy NFT with fake token. 5) Attacker calls BorrowFacet.borrow with NFT and fake token. 6) In useCollateral function uint256 firstSupplyPositionId = supplyPositionStorage().totalSupply + 1;, firstSupplyPositionId will be written with 1. 7) Next, dive in useOffer and calls collatState.assetLent.checkedTransferFrom(signer, collatState.from, arg.amount);. AssetLent is poisoned token. 8) Poisoned ERC20 token calls BorrowFacet.borrow with NFT from step 3. 9) Then, NFTs will fill supplyPositionStorage().totalSupply with real Offers and now totalSupply = 2 (we used only one Offer). And Offer placed on tokenIdx = 1. 10) Poisoned ERC20 token increases supplyPositionStorage().totalSupply. totalSupply = 3, and poisoned Offer placed on tokenIdx = 2. 11) Borrowing finished. Now in storage placed two Loan: 11.1) The first one is real and it's loanId = 1, it's supplyPositionIndex = 1. 11.2) The second one is fake and it's loanId = 2, it's supplyPositionIndex = 1. 12) Next attacker might call external services with these two loans, and due to implementation detail these services might display prices in different ways. What can be in the hands of the attacker, depending on his goals.


It's possible to create two Loans with the same supplyPositionIndex, where:

Code Snippet


    function initializedLoan(
        CollateralState memory collatState,
        address from,
        NFToken memory nft,
        uint256 nbOfOffers,
        uint256 lent,
        uint256 firstSupplyPositionId
    ) internal view returns (Loan memory) {
 supplyPositionIndex: firstSupplyPositionId,


function useCollateral(
        OfferArg[] memory args,
        address from,
        NFToken memory nft
    ) internal returns (Loan memory loan) {
        uint256 firstSupplyPositionId = supplyPositionStorage().totalSupply + 1;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < nbOfOffers; i++) {
            collatState = useOffer(args[i], collatState);
            lent += args[i].amount;
        loan = initializedLoan(collatState, from, nft, nbOfOffers, lent, firstSupplyPositionId);
        protocolStorage().loan[collatState.loanId] = loan;


   function useOffer(
        OfferArg memory arg,
        CollateralState memory collatState
    ) internal returns (CollateralState memory) {
// !!!! HERE WE CAN RE-ENTER IN THE BorrowHandlers once again with new data, but supplyPositionStorage().totalSupply will be the same !!!!
        collatState.assetLent.checkedTransferFrom(signer, collatState.from, arg.amount); 
        safeMint(signer, Provision({amount: arg.amount, share: shareMatched, loanId: collatState.loanId})); 
        return (collatState);

Tool used

Manual Review


Add reentrancy guard for all functions.

Duplicate of #39