sherlock-audit / 2023-02-openq-judging

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caventa - [Stuck fund] Token may stuck forever in percentage bounty that apply to more than 1 token address #71

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



[Stuck fund] Token may stuck forever in percentage bounty that apply to more than 1 token address


The token may be stuck forever in a percentage bounty that applies to more than 1 token address

Vulnerability Detail

Let's say a percentage bounty fund with

token A = 600 token B = 300 token C = 100


And payout schedule is 60, 30, 10

Payout 1 = 60 / 100 600 = 360 token A Payout 2 = 30 / 100 300 = 90 token B Payout 3 = 10 / 100 * 100 = 10 token C

For the first claim of payout 1, the claimer can get 360 token A However, for the next claim, it is 360 again and this time the protocol will reject the claim as there is insufficient fund as there is only 240 left (600 - 240)

Added a test unit to TieredPercentageBounty.js

it.only('should transfer volume of tokenAddress balance based on payoutSchedule', async () => {
    let initialPayoutSchedule = await tieredContract.getPayoutSchedule();

    let payoutToString = => thing.toString());

    // ARRANGE
    const [, firstPlace] = await ethers.getSigners();

    await tieredContract.connect(depositManager).receiveFunds(owner.address, mockLink.address, 600, Constants.thirtyDays); // 600

        const firstPlaceTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(firstPlace.address)).toString();
        expect(firstPlaceTokenBalance).to.equal('0'); // user has 0 LINK

        const bountyMockTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(tieredContract.address)).toString();
        expect(bountyMockTokenBalance).to.equal('600'); // contract has 600 Link

    const deposits = await tieredContract.getDeposits();
    const linkDepositId = deposits[0];

    await tieredContract.connect(claimManager).closeCompetition();

    await tieredContract.connect(claimManager).claimTiered(firstPlace.address, 0, mockLink.address);

        const firstPlaceTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(firstPlace.address)).toString();
        expect(firstPlaceTokenBalance).to.equal('360'); // user has 360 LINK

        const bountyMockTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(tieredContract.address)).toString();
        expect(bountyMockTokenBalance).to.equal('240'); // contract has 240 LINK

    await expect(tieredContract.connect(claimManager).claimTiered(firstPlace.address, 0, mockLink.address))'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance'); // Unable to transfer

        const firstPlaceTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(firstPlace.address)).toString();
        expect(firstPlaceTokenBalance).to.equal('360'); // user still has 360 LINK

        const bountyMockTokenBalance = (await mockLink.balanceOf(tieredContract.address)).toString();
        expect(bountyMockTokenBalance).to.equal('240'); // contract still has 240 LINK


Token A may be stuck in the percentage bounty contract forever

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review and added a test unit


There are several ways to solve this problem. What I would suggest is allowing the owner to transfer out the excessive protocol token and ERC20 token that could be locked in the contract

FlacoJones commented 1 year ago

Will fix by removing TieredPercentage and requiring funder == issuer

FlacoJones commented 1 year ago and

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Claiming should be done all at once, as Claiming claims all tokens at once. Unclear what the issue is here.