sherlock-audit / 2023-02-surge-judging

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unforgiven - User can get liquidated just after the borrowing in the same block #277

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



User can get liquidated just after the borrowing in the same block


when users call borrow() and borrow some loan tokens, code allows users to borrow up to userCollateralRatioMantissa <= _currentCollateralRatioMantissa but when calculating debtShare for user code rounds up and it would cause the user debt to be higher than actual debt in the same block and it can make userCollateralRatioMantissa > _currentCollateralRatioMantissa and user debt can be liquidated in the same block.

Vulnerability Detail

This is borrow() code:

    function borrow(uint amount) external {
        uint _loanTokenBalance = LOAN_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this));
        (address _feeRecipient, uint _feeMantissa) = FACTORY.getFee();
            uint _currentTotalSupply,
            uint _accruedFeeShares,
            uint _currentCollateralRatioMantissa,
            uint _currentTotalDebt
        ) = getCurrentState(

        uint _debtSharesSupply = debtSharesSupply;
        uint userDebt = getDebtOf(debtSharesBalanceOf[msg.sender], _debtSharesSupply, _currentTotalDebt) + amount;
        uint userCollateralRatioMantissa = userDebt * 1e18 / collateralBalanceOf[msg.sender];
        require(userCollateralRatioMantissa <= _currentCollateralRatioMantissa, "Pool: user collateral ratio too high");

        uint _newUtil = getUtilizationMantissa(_currentTotalDebt + amount, (_currentTotalDebt + _loanTokenBalance));
        require(_newUtil <= SURGE_MANTISSA, "Pool: utilization too high");

        uint _shares = tokenToShares(amount, _currentTotalDebt, _debtSharesSupply, true);
        _currentTotalDebt += amount;

        // commit current state
        debtSharesBalanceOf[msg.sender] += _shares;
        debtSharesSupply = _debtSharesSupply + _shares;
        totalSupply = _currentTotalSupply;
        lastTotalDebt = _currentTotalDebt;
        lastAccrueInterestTime = block.timestamp;
        lastCollateralRatioMantissa = _currentCollateralRatioMantissa;
        emit Borrow(msg.sender, amount);
        if(_accruedFeeShares > 0) {
            balanceOf[_feeRecipient] += _accruedFeeShares;
            emit Transfer(address(0), _feeRecipient, _accruedFeeShares);

        // interactions
        safeTransfer(LOAN_TOKEN, msg.sender, amount);

As you can see code uses _shares = tokenToShares(amount, _currentTotalDebt, _debtSharesSupply, true) to calculate user debt share balance. it would calculate user debt share balance by rounding up and set it to the debtSharesBalanceOf[] This is liquidate() code:

    function liquidate(address borrower, uint amount) external {
        uint _loanTokenBalance = LOAN_TOKEN.balanceOf(address(this));
        (address _feeRecipient, uint _feeMantissa) = FACTORY.getFee();
            uint _currentTotalSupply,
            uint _accruedFeeShares,
            uint _currentCollateralRatioMantissa,
            uint _currentTotalDebt
        ) = getCurrentState(

        uint collateralBalance = collateralBalanceOf[borrower];
        uint _debtSharesSupply = debtSharesSupply;
        uint userDebt = getDebtOf(debtSharesBalanceOf[borrower], _debtSharesSupply, _currentTotalDebt);
        uint userCollateralRatioMantissa = userDebt * 1e18 / collateralBalance;
        require(userCollateralRatioMantissa > _currentCollateralRatioMantissa, "Pool: borrower not liquidatable");

As you can see it uses getDebtOf(debtSharesBalanceOf[borrower], _debtSharesSupply, _currentTotalDebt) to calculate user debt and if userCollateralRatioMantissa > _currentCollateralRatioMantissa it allows user debt to be liquidated. This would cause issue if user decides to borrow allowed maximum amount where userCollateralRatioMantissa == _currentCollateralRatioMantissa. because code calculates debt share by rounding up and set the value of the debtSharesBalanceOf[] then code would calculate higher debt amount by calling getDebtOf() and that higher debt amount would cause userCollateralRatioMantissa > _currentCollateralRatioMantissa. imagine this scenario:

  1. total debt share is 3 and total debt is 100 and currentCollateralRatio is 5 (total collateral is 20)
  2. user has 10 collateral and would call borrow(50) to borrow 50 token and userCollateralRatio would be 5 (50/10). currentCollateralRatio would be 150/30 = 50. so code would allow borrwoingl.
  3. code would calculate user debt share amount as round_UP(50 * 3 / 100) = 2. so user debt share would be 2 and total share would be 5 and total debt would be 150.
  4. now in the same block user can be liquidated because getDebtOf() for the user would return 2 * 150 / 5 = 60 and user collateral ratio would be 60 / 10 = 6 which is higher than currentCollateralRatio.

This bug would create a MEV where miners can liquidates users immediately if users try to create maximal loan. and possible sandwich attack opportunities. bots can liquidate users debts right after they create a valid debt.

the issue would happen even if userCollateralRatioMantissa was so close to _currentCollateralRatioMantissa when borrowing and it doesn't require it to be equal. as interest in the same block doesn't happen so users should be liquidates in the same block where the interest for that block has already been calculated and they created a valid debt.


Users and other contract that create a valid debt with maximum allowed debt would be liquidated in the same block and lose funds.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


have different threshold for allowed userCollateralRatioMantissa when borrowing and for liquidation. the liquidation threshold should be higher than allowed borrow threshold.

nourharidy commented 1 year ago

Disagreed with severity because this is only a potential issue for users who borow nearly all of their borrow limit, meaning they knowingly put themselves in risk of liquidation

Evert0x commented 1 year ago

Closing issue as it's describing the financial risks of the protocol