With more operation executed in the pool, the interest accrual will become far much more than expected.
Vulnerability Detail
Notice that, the immutable variables MIN_RATE, SURGE_RATE, MAX_RATE are supposed to be the APR, i.e, accrued ANNUALLY. However, the interest is actually accrued EACH TIME the getCurrentState is called.
// 8. Calculate the borrow rate
uint _borrowRate = getBorrowRateMantissa(_util, SURGE_MANTISSA, MIN_RATE, SURGE_RATE, MAX_RATE);
// 9. Calculate the interest
uint _interest = _totalDebt * _borrowRate * _timeDelta / (365 days * 1e18); // does the optimizer optimize this? or should it be a constant?
// 10. Update the total debt
_currentTotalDebt += _interest;
This will make the interest accrued far more fast than it should be. As shown in the PoC below:
(Full PoC source code here, in case you want to run it.)
(To run this PoC yourself, you may need to change the visibility of some functions in Pool.sol)
function testInterestAccrualOnce() external {
MockERC20 collateralToken = new MockERC20(10000e18, 18);
MockERC20 loanToken = new MockERC20(10000e18, 18);
Pool pool = factory.deploySurgePool(IERC20(address(collateralToken)), IERC20(address(loanToken)), 1e18, 0.8e18, 1e15, 1e15, 10e18, 10e18, 10e18);
loanToken.approve(address(pool), type(uint).max);
collateralToken.approve(address(pool), type(uint).max);
pool.addCollateral(address(this), 20e18);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 365 days);
uint _loanTokenBalance = IERC20(address(loanToken)).balanceOf(address(pool));
(address _feeRecipient, uint _feeMantissa) = factory.getFee();
( ,,,
uint _currentTotalDebt
) = pool.getCurrentState(
console.log("Total Debt after 1 year, just 1 operation:\n %d \n", _currentTotalDebt);
Pool pool2 = factory.deploySurgePool(IERC20(address(collateralToken)), IERC20(address(loanToken)), 1e18, 0.8e18, 1e15, 1e15, 10e18, 10e18, 10e18);
...// similar things as pool1
for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 180 days);
...// similar as pool1
console.log("Total Debt after 1 year, 2 operations:\n %d \n", _currentTotalDebt2);
Pool pool3 = factory.deploySurgePool(IERC20(address(collateralToken)), IERC20(address(loanToken)), 1e18, 0.8e18, 1e15, 1e15, 10e18, 10e18, 10e18);
...// similar as pool1
for (uint i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days);
...// similar as pool1
console.log("Total Debt after 1 year, 1 operation per month:\n %d \n", _currentTotalDebt3);
The result is
[PASS] testInterestAccrualOnce() (gas: 8123416)
Total Debt after 1 year, just 1 operation:
Total Debt after 1 year, 2 operations:
Total Debt after 1 year, 1 operation per month:
We keep the same settings in the three groups, and always deposit 20e18, the interest rate is set to be 1,000% APR(although unreasonably high, just to show the impact) everywhere. It is supposed that the total debt should be 220e18 after 1 year. However, this is just true for no operation between the borrow and repay. Just 2 operations will make the actual APR become ~3,500%. And if there is 1 operation per month(attention: FOR THE WHOLE POOL, not only this operator), the actual APR becomes ~38,000%. Considering the MEV bots, there may be tens/hunderds of operations in the pool EVERYDAY, the actual interest rate will become enormous beyond imagination.
This will make the actual borrow rate FAR MORE than the expected rate.
Interest Accrual is Far More Fast than Expected
With more operation executed in the pool, the interest accrual will become far much more than expected.
Vulnerability Detail
Notice that, the immutable variables
are supposed to be the APR, i.e, accrued ANNUALLY. However, the interest is actually accrued EACH TIME thegetCurrentState
is called.This will make the interest accrued far more fast than it should be. As shown in the PoC below: (Full PoC source code here, in case you want to run it.) (To run this PoC yourself, you may need to change the visibility of some functions in
)The result is
We keep the same settings in the three groups, and always deposit 20e18, the interest rate is set to be 1,000% APR(although unreasonably high, just to show the impact) everywhere. It is supposed that the total debt should be 220e18 after 1 year. However, this is just true for no operation between the borrow and repay. Just 2 operations will make the actual APR become ~3,500%. And if there is 1 operation per month(attention: FOR THE WHOLE POOL, not only this operator), the actual APR becomes ~38,000%. Considering the MEV bots, there may be tens/hunderds of operations in the pool EVERYDAY, the actual interest rate will become enormous beyond imagination.
This will make the actual borrow rate FAR MORE than the expected rate.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Consider designing the interest calculation method from scratch.
Duplicate of #55