sherlock-audit / 2023-03-Y2K-judging

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minhtrng - Deposit fees can by bypassed #474

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Deposit fees can by bypassed


The deposit fees are not accounted for when using the deposit queue mechanism.

Vulnerability Detail

In Carousel._deposit the full input amount is added into the queue:

//WARDEN: fees handled if not put into queue:
if (depositFee > 0) {
    (uint256 maxX, , uint256 minX) = getEpochConfig(_id);
    // deposit fee is calcualted linearly between time of epoch creation and epoch starting (deposit window)
    // this is because late depositors have an informational advantage
    uint256 fee = _calculateFeePercent(int256(minX), int256(maxX));
    // min minRequiredDeposit modifier ensures that _assets has high enough value to not devide by 0
    // 0.5% = multiply by 10000 then divide by 50
    uint256 feeAmount = _assets.mulDivDown(fee, 10000);
    assetsToDeposit = _assets - feeAmount;
    _asset().safeTransfer(treasury, feeAmount);
//WARDEN: when put into queue, no fee deduction happens
    QueueItem({assets: _assets, receiver: _receiver, epochId: _id})

In Carousel.mintDepositInQueue only relayer fees are subtracted when minting shares:

    queue[i].assets - relayerFee
asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _operations * relayerFee);

This way a user could bypass deposit fees by putting them into the queue and minting the deposit right after, so that relayer fees also end up back with them.


Deposit fees can be bypassed, causing loss of revenue for the protocol

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Handle deposit fees before pushing them into queue. Make sure to adjust minRequiredDeposit.

Duplicate of #75