The special case of “_epochBegin == block.timestamp” is undefined
The special case of “_epochBegin == block.timestamp” is undefined, such that both epochHasNotStarted and epochHasStarted modifiers will allow further operations
Vulnerability Detail
Since == is not taken into account, when comparing block.timestamp and epochConfig[_id].epochBegin, the system may get into weird states. For example, deposit() may happen after resolveEpoch() is called in the same block, thus ending up with inaccurate finalTVL[_id].
modifier epochHasNotStarted(uint256 _id) {
if (block.timestamp > epochConfig[_id].epochBegin)
revert EpochAlreadyStarted();
/** @notice You can only call functions that use this modifier after the epoch has started
modifier epochHasStarted(uint256 _id) {
if (block.timestamp < epochConfig[_id].epochBegin)
revert EpochNotStarted();
finalTVL[_id] may be set before deposit(), thus does not represent the actual full amount. Since a lot of calculations such as calculateWithdrawalFeeValue, previewEmissionsWithdraw depend on finalTVL[_id], those calculated results will be incorrect.
The special case of “_epochBegin == block.timestamp” is undefined
The special case of “_epochBegin == block.timestamp” is undefined, such that both epochHasNotStarted and epochHasStarted modifiers will allow further operations
Vulnerability Detail
Since == is not taken into account, when comparing block.timestamp and epochConfig[_id].epochBegin, the system may get into weird states. For example, deposit() may happen after resolveEpoch() is called in the same block, thus ending up with inaccurate finalTVL[_id].
finalTVL[_id] may be set before deposit(), thus does not represent the actual full amount. Since a lot of calculations such as calculateWithdrawalFeeValue, previewEmissionsWithdraw depend on finalTVL[_id], those calculated results will be incorrect.
Code Snippet
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Manual Review
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Duplicate of #480