sherlock-audit / 2023-03-Y2K-judging

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0x52 - Emissions sent to vault with null epoch will be lost forever #510

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Emissions sent to vault with null epoch will be lost forever


When the emissions of the vault are set for a specific epoch they are immediately sent to the contract. When an epoch is null it never reclaims the emissions causing them to be lost.

Vulnerability Detail

function createEpochWithEmissions(
    uint256 _marketId,
    uint40 _epochBegin,
    uint40 _epochEnd,
    uint16 _withdrawalFee,
    uint256 _permiumEmissions,
    uint256 _collatEmissions
) public returns (uint256 epochId, address[2] memory vaults) {
    // no need for onlyOwner modifier as createEpoch already has modifier
    (epochId, vaults) = createEpoch(

    emissionsToken.safeTransferFrom(treasury, vaults[0], _permiumEmissions);
    ICarousel(vaults[0]).setEmissions(epochId, _permiumEmissions);

    emissionsToken.safeTransferFrom(treasury, vaults[1], _collatEmissions);
    ICarousel(vaults[1]).setEmissions(epochId, _collatEmissions);

Here we see the tokens are taken when emissions are created. If there is a null epoch there is no on not claim the tokens so they are lost forever because they aren't transferred back during setting of the null epoch


Emissions are lost when there is a null epoch

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Reclaim emissions on null epoch

Duplicate of #122