sherlock-audit / 2023-03-teller-judging

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0x52 - Malicious user can abuse UpdateCommitment to create commitments for other users #260

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Malicious user can abuse UpdateCommitment to create commitments for other users


UpdateCommitment checks that the original lender is msg.sender but never validates that the original lender == new lender. This allows malicious users to effectively create a commitment for another user, allowing them to drain funds from them.

Vulnerability Detail


function updateCommitment(
    uint256 _commitmentId,
    Commitment calldata _commitment
) public commitmentLender(_commitmentId) { <- @audit-info checks that lender is msg.sender
        _commitment.principalTokenAddress ==
        "Principal token address cannot be updated."
        _commitment.marketId == commitments[_commitmentId].marketId,
        "Market Id cannot be updated."

    commitments[_commitmentId] = _commitment; <- @audit-issue never checks _commitment.lender


UpdateCommitment is intended to allow users to update their commitment but due to lack of verification of _commitment.lender, a malicious user create a commitment then update it to a new lender. By using bad loan parameters they can steal funds from the attacker user.


UpdateCommitment can be used to create a malicious commitment for another user and steal their funds

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Check that the update lender is the same the original lender

ethereumdegen commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this feedback. This is a high severity issue as it could be used to unexpectedly steal tokens that another use had previously approved to the contract. Will fix.

passabilities commented 1 year ago

IAm0x52 commented 1 year ago

Fix looks good. _commitment.lender (updated lender) is now required to be msg.sender