sherlock-audit / 2023-04-ajna-judging

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branch_indigo - Lenders lose interests and pay deposit fees due to no slippage control #72

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Lenders lose interests and pay deposit fees due to no slippage control


When a lender deposits quote tokens below the minimum of LUP(Lowest Utilization Price) and HTP(Highest Threshold Price), the deposits will not earn interest and will also be charged deposit fees, according to docs. When a lender deposits to a bucket, they are vulnerable to pool LUP slippage which might cause them to lose funds due to fee charges against their will.

Vulnerability Detail

A lender would call addQuoteToken() to deposit. This function only allows entering expiration time for transaction settlement, but there is no slippage protection.

    function addQuoteToken(
        uint256 amount_,
        uint256 index_,
        uint256 expiry_
    ) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256 bucketLP_) {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();
        // round to token precision
        amount_ = _roundToScale(amount_, poolState.quoteTokenScale);
        uint256 newLup;
        (bucketLP_, newLup) = LenderActions.addQuoteToken(
                amount: amount_,
                index:  index_

In LenderActions.sol, addQuoteToken() takes current DepositsState in storage and current poolState_.debt in storage to calculate spot LUP prior to deposit. And this LUP is compared with user input bucket index_ to determine if the lender will be punished with deposit fees. The deposit amount is then written to storage.

    function addQuoteToken(
        mapping(uint256 => Bucket) storage buckets_,
        DepositsState storage deposits_,
        PoolState calldata poolState_,
        AddQuoteParams calldata params_
    ) external returns (uint256 bucketLP_, uint256 lup_) {
          // charge unutilized deposit fee where appropriate
 |>       uint256 lupIndex = Deposits.findIndexOfSum(deposits_, poolState_.debt);
        bool depositBelowLup = lupIndex != 0 && params_.index > lupIndex;
        if (depositBelowLup) {
            addedAmount = Maths.wmul(addedAmount, Maths.WAD - _depositFeeRate(poolState_.rate));
   Deposits.unscaledAdd(deposits_, params_.index, unscaledAmount);

It should be noted that current deposits_ and poolState_.debt can be different from when the user invoked the transaction, which will result in a different LUP spot price unforeseen by the lender to determine deposit fees. Even though lenders can input a reasonable expiration time expirty_, this will only prevent stale transactions to be executed and not offer any slippage control.

When there are many lenders depositing around the same time, LUP spot price can be increased and if the user transaction settles after a whale lender which moves the LUP spot price up significantly, the user might get accidentally punished for depositing below LUP. Or there could also be malicious lenders trying to ensure their transactions settle at a favorable LUP/HTP and front-run the user transaction, in which case the user transaction might still settle after the malicious lender and potentially get charged for fees.


Lenders might get charged deposit fees due to slippage against their will with or without MEV attacks, lenders might also lose on interest by depositing below HTP.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add slippage protection in Pool.sol addQuoteToken(). A lender can enable slippage protection, which will enable comparing deposit index_ with lupIndex in LenderActions.sol.

ith-harvey commented 1 year ago

We think this should be a low. Although not explicitly stated that this can happen in docs it is assumed based off of implementation. We were aware, not concerned.

grandizzy commented 1 year ago

0xffff11 commented 1 year ago

I can still see the issue as a medium. Sponsor agreed to the issue and it has some impact on the fees that lender might have to pay

dmitriia commented 1 year ago


Looks ok, but shouldn't the same flag be introduced to moveQuoteToken(), e.g.:

    if (vars.fromBucketPrice >= lup_ && vars.toBucketPrice < lup_) {
+       if (params_.revertIfBelowLup) revert PriceBelowLUP();
        movedAmount_ = Maths.wmul(movedAmount_, Maths.WAD - _depositFeeRate(poolState_.rate));
grandizzy commented 1 year ago


Looks ok, but shouldn't the same flag be introduced to moveQuoteToken(), e.g.:

    if (vars.fromBucketPrice >= lup_ && vars.toBucketPrice < lup_) {
+       if (params_.revertIfBelowLup) revert PriceBelowLUP();
        movedAmount_ = Maths.wmul(movedAmount_, Maths.WAD - _depositFeeRate(poolState_.rate));

implemented with Beside suggested change there are 2 additional updates

dmitriia commented 1 year ago

implemented with ajna-finance/contracts#918

Looks ok, the above logic now added.

ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC.

As the sponsor said

We think this should be a low. Although not explicitly stated that this can happen in docs it is assumed based off of implementation. We were aware, not concerned.

this is more like a feature request, not bug

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC.

As the sponsor said

We think this should be a low. Although not explicitly stated that this can happen in docs it is assumed based off of implementation. We were aware, not concerned.

this is more like a feature request, not bug

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

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bzpassersby commented 1 year ago

I think this issue is a valid medium. It points to a possible scenario where a lender has to pay fees and lose interest against their will due to no slippage protection, which can be exploited through MEV attack. Because of the scenario of lenders losing funds against their intention, it should be medium.

Due to the fact that slippage can be exploited to cause users to lose funds, this should be considered a vulnerability or bug.

0xffff11 commented 1 year ago

I disagree with the escalation in this case. I think it should be a medium. Despite being a design decision, allows users to be exposed to high slippage on behalf of their decision.

dmitriia commented 1 year ago

Looks like valid medium to me, the probability of the material impact can be said to be medium, so is the impact itself.

MLON33 commented 1 year ago

implemented with ajna-finance/contracts#918

Looks ok, the above logic now added.

Moving sign-off by @dmitriia here for clarity.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Result: Medium Has duplicates Considering a valid medium based on the above comments

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

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