sherlock-audit / 2023-04-ajna-judging

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hyh - kickWithDeposit removes the deposit without HTP pool state check #86

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



kickWithDeposit removes the deposit without HTP pool state check


In order to cover kick bond KickerActions kickWithDeposit() removes the deposit from the pool, but misses the new_LUP >= HTP check, allowing for the invariant breaking state.

Vulnerability Detail

Every deposit removal in the protocol comes with the LUP >= HTP final state check, that ensures that active loans aren't eligible for liquidation (Ajna white paper 4.1 Deposit).

kickWithDeposit() can effectively remove deposits, either partially or fully, but performs no such check, potentially leaving the pool in the LUP < HTP state.


A range of outcomes becomes possible after that, for example all other deposit operations can be frozen as long as they will not move LUP in the opposite direction, as their HTP checks will revert.

There is no low-probability prerequisites and the impact is a violation of the core system invariant, so setting the severity to be high.

Code Snippet

kickWithDeposit() can effectively remove quote tokens from any bucket to cover kick bond:

    function kickWithDeposit(
        uint256 index_,
        uint256 npLimitIndex_
    ) external override nonReentrant {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();

        // kick auctions
        KickResult memory result = KickerActions.kickWithDeposit(

    function kickWithDeposit(
    ) external returns (
        KickResult memory kickResult_
    ) {

        // kick top borrower
        kickResult_ = _kick(


        // remove amount from deposits
        if (vars.amountToDebitFromDeposit == vars.bucketDeposit && vars.bucketCollateral == 0) {
            // In this case we are redeeming the entire bucket exactly, and need to ensure bucket LP are set to 0
            vars.redeemedLP = vars.bucketLP;

>>          Deposits.unscaledRemove(deposits_, index_, vars.bucketUnscaledDeposit);
            vars.bucketUnscaledDeposit = 0;

        } else {

>>          Deposits.unscaledRemove(deposits_, index_, unscaledAmountToRemove);
            vars.bucketUnscaledDeposit -= unscaledAmountToRemove;

But there is no HTP check:

            vars.bucketUnscaledDeposit -= unscaledAmountToRemove;

        vars.redeemedLP = Maths.min(vars.lenderLP, vars.redeemedLP);

        // revert if LP redeemed amount to kick auction is 0
        if (vars.redeemedLP == 0) revert InsufficientLP();

        uint256 bucketRemainingLP = vars.bucketLP - vars.redeemedLP;

        if (vars.bucketCollateral == 0 && vars.bucketUnscaledDeposit == 0 && bucketRemainingLP != 0) {
            bucket.lps            = 0;
            bucket.bankruptcyTime = block.timestamp;

            emit BucketBankruptcy(
        } else {
            // update lender and bucket LP balances
            lender.lps -= vars.redeemedLP;
            bucket.lps -= vars.redeemedLP;

        emit RemoveQuoteToken(

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider checking LUP >= HTP condition in the final state of the operation, similarly to other functions, for example removeQuoteToken():

        lup_ = Deposits.getLup(deposits_, poolState_.debt);

        uint256 htp = Maths.wmul(params_.thresholdPrice, poolState_.inflator);

        if (
            // check loan book's htp doesn't exceed new lup
            htp > lup_
            // ensure that pool debt < deposits after removal
            // this can happen if lup and htp are less than min bucket price and htp > lup (since LUP is capped at min bucket price)
            (poolState_.debt != 0 && poolState_.debt > Deposits.treeSum(deposits_))
        ) revert LUPBelowHTP();
grandizzy commented 1 year ago

dmitriia commented 1 year ago


Looks ok, lenderKick() no longer removes deposit, obtaining bond funds directly from the sender, so HTP check now isn't needed.