sherlock-audit / 2023-04-blueberry-judging

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Ch_301 - `getPositionRisk()` will return a wrong value of risk #97

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



getPositionRisk() will return a wrong value of risk


In order to interact with SPELL the users need to lend() some collateral which is known as Isolated Collateral and the SoftVault will deposit them into Compound protocol to generate some lending interest (to earn passive yield)

Vulnerability Detail

to liquidate a position this function isLiquidatable() should return true

    function isLiquidatable(uint256 positionId) public view returns (bool) {
            getPositionRisk(positionId) >=

and it is subcall to getPositionRisk()

    function getPositionRisk(
        uint256 positionId
    ) public view returns (uint256 risk) {
        uint256 pv = getPositionValue(positionId);          
        uint256 ov = getDebtValue(positionId);             
        uint256 cv = getIsolatedCollateralValue(positionId);

        if (
            (cv == 0 && pv == 0 && ov == 0) || pv >= ov // Closed position or Overcollateralized position
        ) {
            risk = 0;
        } else if (cv == 0) {
            // Sth bad happened to isolated underlying token
            risk = Constants.DENOMINATOR;
        } else {
            risk = ((ov - pv) * Constants.DENOMINATOR) / cv;

as we can see the cv is a critical value in terms of the calculation of risk the cv is returned by getIsolatedCollateralValue()

    function getIsolatedCollateralValue(
        uint256 positionId
    ) public view override returns (uint256 icollValue) {
        Position memory pos = positions[positionId];
        // NOTE: exchangeRateStored has 18 decimals.
        uint256 underlyingAmount;
        if (_isSoftVault(pos.underlyingToken)) {
            underlyingAmount =                                              
                (ICErc20(banks[pos.debtToken].bToken).exchangeRateStored() * 
                    pos.underlyingVaultShare) /
        } else {
            underlyingAmount = pos.underlyingVaultShare;
        icollValue = oracle.getTokenValue(

and it uses exchangeRateStored() to ask Compound (CToken.sol) for the exchange rate from CToken contract

This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate

so the getPositionRisk() will return a wrong value of risk because the interest does not accrue for this position


the user (position) could get liquidated even if his position is still healthy

Code Snippet

     * @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate
     * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18
    function exchangeRateCurrent() override public nonReentrant returns (uint) {
        return exchangeRateStored();

     * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken
     * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate
     * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18
    function exchangeRateStored() override public view returns (uint) {
        return exchangeRateStoredInternal();

Tool used

Manual Review


You shoud use exchangeRateCurrent() to Accrue interest first.

Gornutz commented 1 year ago

Since we are using a view function we are unable to use exchangeRateCurrent() we have to use exchangeRateStored()

Ch-301 commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC

The sponsor confirms that. so the user could get liquidated even in case his position is still healthy. I believe the rules are clear on that He decided to not fix it but the risk still exists

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC

The sponsor confirms that. so the user could get liquidated even in case his position is still healthy. I believe the rules are clear on that He decided to not fix it but the risk still exists

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

Can be a valid medium

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted

Valid medium Although the difference in the interest accumulated here can be very low as it updates slowly, although this cannot be exactly quantified, the fact that a position can be liquidated based on outdated value makes it a valid medium.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted

Valid medium Although the difference in the interest accumulated here can be very low as it updates slowly, although this cannot be exactly quantified, the fact that a position can be liquidated based on outdated value makes it a valid medium.

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
IAm0x52 commented 1 year ago

Sponsor has acknowledged this risk