sherlock-audit / 2023-04-hubble-exchange-judging

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yixxas - Cancelling `reduceOnly` orders that are partially filled does not release margin #199

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Cancelling reduceOnly orders that are partially filled does not release margin


When orders are partially filled, and then cancelled after, the amount that has not been filled should be released from margin requirement. Otherwise, user will have an understated margin amount and hence will not be able to open as many orders as they should be able to.

Vulnerability Detail

As we can observe in _cancelOrder(), releaseMargin is only set if the order is not a reduceOnly order. In the case where an order is reduceOnly, it is possible for the order to be partially filled. In this case, margin should also be released after an order is cancelled, since an order that is placed to reduce order, but not filled completely and then cancelled should increase back the margin to the user that has previously "spent" some amount of margin to open this position. The amount of margin to be released should be the remaining unfilled amount.

    function _cancelOrder(Order memory order) internal returns (uint releaseMargin) {
        bytes32 orderHash = getOrderHash(order);
        require(orderInfo[orderHash].status == OrderStatus.Placed, "OB_Order_does_not_exist");

        address trader = order.trader;
        if (msg.sender != trader) {
            require(isValidator[msg.sender], "OB_invalid_sender");
            // allow cancellation of order by validator if availableMargin < 0
            // there is more information in the description of the function
            require(marginAccount.getAvailableMargin(trader) < 0, "OB_available_margin_not_negative");

        orderInfo[orderHash].status = OrderStatus.Cancelled;
        if (order.reduceOnly) {
            int unfilledAmount = abs(order.baseAssetQuantity - orderInfo[orderHash].filledAmount);
            reduceOnlyAmount[trader][order.ammIndex] -= unfilledAmount;
        } else {
            releaseMargin = orderInfo[orderHash].reservedMargin;

        emit OrderCancelled(trader, orderHash, block.timestamp);


Users have an understated margin amount and hence can open a smaller position than they should be able to.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Set releaseMargin = unfilledAmount when orders are cancelled if order is a reduceOnly order.

0xshinobii commented 1 year ago

No margin is reserved for reduceOnly orders, hence no margin is released when they are filled or canceled. Here is the relevant code.

ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

Closed the issue based on sponsor comments