sherlock-audit / 2023-04-hubble-exchange-judging

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crimson-rat-reach - [MEDIUM] Oracle#getUnderlyingPrice - ChainLinkAdapterOracle will return the wrong price for asset if underlying aggregator hits minAnswer #227

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



[MEDIUM] Oracle#getUnderlyingPrice - ChainLinkAdapterOracle will return the wrong price for asset if underlying aggregator hits minAnswer


Chainlink Oracles have a built-in circuit breaker in case prices go outside predetermined minPrice and maxPrice price bands. Therefore, if an asset suffers a huge loss in value, such as the LUNA crash, the chainlink oracle will return the wrong prices, and the protocol can go into debt.

Vulnerability Detail

The Oracle.solcontract uses a chainlink aggregator oracle to get the latest price for setting the index price in the protocol. However, if an asset listed on the exchange suffers a huge change in value, like that of the LUNA crash, the Chainlink oracle will return the wrong prices. The protocol will keep getting the set minPrice or maxPrice as the answer, while the real price might differ. Since the index price will be set wrong because of this, the funding rates will be wrong and users will suffer losses.

The referred code snippet where prices are fetched is as follows:

function getUnderlyingPrice(address underlying)
        returns(int256 answer)
        if (stablePrice[underlying] != 0) {
            return stablePrice[underlying];
        (,answer,,,) = AggregatorV3Interface(chainLinkAggregatorMap[underlying]).latestRoundData();
        require(answer > 0, "Oracle.getUnderlyingPrice.non_positive");
        answer /= 100;


The Oracle contract does not check if minPrice or maxPrice circuit breakers are hit by the chainlink aggregator. This might result in a loss for users of the protocol.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check if minPrice/maxPrice circuit breakers are hit, and apply appropriate procedures if they are hit.


Venus on BSC was exploited similarly when LUNA crashed:

Duplicate of #241