sherlock-audit / 2023-04-splits-judging

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Tricko - Swapper's `flash` can be frontrunned to prevent swaps. #120

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Swapper's flash can be frontrunned to prevent swaps.


It is possible for calls to flash, especially those swapping the entire balances of tokens, to suffer griefing attacks, by frontrunning them and swapping smalls amounts of token to make the target flash call to revert.

Vulnerability Detail

If some caller calls flash (txA) on a Swapper contract, another caller can frontrun this transaction with his own call to flash(txB) to reduce that contract token balance below the QuoteParams.baseAmount specified in txA, consequently resulting in txA reverting with InsufficientFunds_InContract() error. This is most probable when the flash call in txA is used to swap the entire balance of some token in the Swapper contract, so txB only needs to swap the minimum amount of tokens possible to force txA to revert.

Consider the following scenario. Some Swapper contract has 1e18 USDC to be swapped to ETH, Alice is the first caller of flash and Bob is the malicious actor.

  1. Alice calls flash (txA) with QuoteParams.baseAmount = 1e18 for the USDC-ETH Pair (the remaining params doesn't matter for this example)
  2. Bob see Alice's txA in the mempool, then frontruns it with his own flash call (txB) with QuoteParams.baseAmount = 1 for the USDC-ETH Pair.

Bob txB is sucessfull, so Swapper UDSC balance is now 999999999999999999 USDC

  1. When Alice's txA in being processed, it will revert because the actual USDC balance is less than the QuoteParams.baseAmount specified in her flash call (999999999999999999 < 1e18)

This can be exploited by bots competing for the same swap, or by malicous actor trying to block a Swapper's functionality at little cost.


There is no loss of funds, neither the attacker gains anything in return as the gas costs would be higher than any possible profit from the minimum amount swaps. But a dedicated attacker, willing to consistently spend small amounts of gas could keep blocking all further calls to flash on some Swapper contract, therefore possibly affecting the protocol reputation and reducing further adoption by users.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider adding aditional logic to _transferToTrader so that when OracleImpl.QuoteParams.baseAmount == type(uint128).max, it will swap the selected token entire balance, thus allowing callers to use flash without specifying exact amount if they desire to swap the entire balance of some token in the Swapper contract and avoiding the frontrunning issue described before. See the SwapperImpl.sol modified code below for part of the fix. splits-oracle's UniV3OracleImpl.sol would also need to be updated so that it handles the OracleImpl.QuoteParams.baseAmount = type(uint128).max correctly.

diff --git a/SwapperImpl.orig.sol b/SwapperImpl.sol
index 23263e3..057d6c3 100644
--- a/SwapperImpl.orig.sol
+++ b/SwapperImpl.sol
@@ -276,38 +276,41 @@ contract SwapperImpl is WalletImpl, PausableImpl {
     function _transferToTrader(address tokenToBeneficiary_, OracleImpl.QuoteParams[] calldata quoteParams_)
         returns (uint256 amountToBeneficiary, uint256[] memory amountsToBeneficiary)
         amountsToBeneficiary = $oracle.getQuoteAmounts(quoteParams_);
         uint256 length = quoteParams_.length;
         if (amountsToBeneficiary.length != length) revert Invalid_AmountsToBeneficiary();

         uint128 amountToTrader;
         address tokenToTrader;
         for (uint256 i; i < length;) {
             OracleImpl.QuoteParams calldata qp = quoteParams_[i];

             if (tokenToBeneficiary_ != qp.quotePair.quote) revert Invalid_QuoteToken();
             tokenToTrader = qp.quotePair.base;
             amountToTrader = qp.baseAmount;

+            if (amountToTrader == type(uint128).max) {
+                amountToTrader = tokenToTrader._balanceOf(address(this));
+            }

             if (amountToTrader > tokenToTrader._balanceOf(address(this))) {
                 revert InsufficientFunds_InContract();

             amountToBeneficiary += amountsToBeneficiary[i];
             tokenToTrader._safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountToTrader);

             unchecked {

     function _transferToBeneficiary(address tokenToBeneficiary_, uint256 amountToBeneficiary_)
ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

Sponsor comment:

out of scope, traders are sophisticated searchers & use flashbots etc