sherlock-audit / 2023-04-splits-judging

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0xmuxyz - Due to reaching a gas limit, the transaction of the PassThroughWalletImpl#`passThroughToken()` will be reverted #86

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Due to reaching a gas limit, the transaction of the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken() will be reverted


The transaction will be reverted due to reaching a gas limit in the for-loop within the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken() if too many number of tokens would be assigned into the tokens_ array parameter by a caller when the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken() would be called.

Vulnerability Detail

When a user send some funds (tokens_) to the $passThrough address, the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken() would be called.

Within the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken(), multiple tokens can be assigned via the tokens_ array parameter and then each token would be transferred into the _passThrough by using for-loop like this:

    /// send tokens_ to $passThrough
    function passThroughTokens(address[] calldata tokens_) external pausable returns (uint256[] memory amounts) { /// @audit
        address _passThrough = $passThrough;
        uint256 length = tokens_.length;
        amounts = new uint256[](length);
        for (uint256 i; i < length;) {  /// @audit
            address token = tokens_[i];
            uint256 amount = token._balanceOf(address(this));
            amounts[i] = amount;
            token._safeTransfer(_passThrough, amount);   /// @audit

However, there is no limitation that how many number of tokens a caller can be assigned into the tokens_ array parameter. This lead to reaching a gas limit and therefore this transaction will be reverted in the for-loop if a user assign too many number of tokens into the tokens_ array parameter.


The transaction will be reverted due to reaching a gas limit in the for-loop within the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken().

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider setting a limitation that how many number of tokens a caller can be assigned into the tokens_ array parameter when the PassThroughWalletImpl#passThroughToken() would be called.