sherlock-audit / 2023-04-splits-judging

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0xmuxyz - Lack of a validation to check whether or not the total percent allocations in the `sortedPercentAllocations` array would be `100%`, which lead to that the percent allocations would be wrongly set #88

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Lack of a validation to check whether or not the total percent allocations in the sortedPercentAllocations array would be 100%, which lead to that the percent allocations would be wrongly set


Lack of a validation to check whether or not the total percent allocations in the sortedPercentAllocations array would be 100%, which lead to that the percent allocations would be wrongly set. For example, the total percent allocations would be more than 100% or less than 100%.

Vulnerability Detail

Within the DiversifierFactory, the RecipientParams struct, the percentAllocation would be defined like this:

    struct RecipientParams {
        address account;
        CreateSwapperParams createSwapperParams;
        uint32 percentAllocation; /// @audit

Within the DiversifierFactory#createDiversifier(), the sortedPercentAllocations would be returned from the DiversifierFactory#_parseRecipientParams() and then it would be assigned into the percentAllocations property like this:

    function createDiversifier(CreateDiversifierParams calldata params_) external returns (address diversifier) {
        // create pass-through wallet w {this} as owner & no passThrough
        PassThroughWalletImpl passThroughWallet = passThroughWalletFactory.createPassThroughWallet(
            PassThroughWalletImpl.InitParams({owner: address(this), paused: params_.paused, passThrough: ADDRESS_ZERO})
        diversifier = address(passThroughWallet);

        // parse oracle params for swapper-recipients
        OracleImpl oracle = _parseOracleParams(diversifier, params_.oracleParams);

        // create split w diversifier (pass-through wallet) as controller
        (address[] memory sortedAccounts, uint32[] memory sortedPercentAllocations) =  /// @audit
            _parseRecipientParams(diversifier, oracle, params_.recipientParams);
        address passThroughSplit = splitMain.createSplit({
            accounts: sortedAccounts,
            percentAllocations: sortedPercentAllocations,    /// @audit
            distributorFee: 0,
            controller: diversifier

Within the DiversifierFactory#_parseRecipientParams() that is called above, the LibRecipients#_pack() would be used for calculating the percent allocation of each recipient and then the info including the calculated-percent allocations would be returned via the LibRecipients#_unpackAccountsInPlace() like this:

    function _parseRecipientParams(
        address diversifier_,
        OracleImpl oracle_,
        RecipientParams[] calldata recipientParams_
    ) internal returns (address[] memory, uint32[] memory) {
        // parse recipient params
        uint256 length = recipientParams_.length;
        PackedRecipient[] memory packedRecipients = new PackedRecipient[](length);
        for (uint256 i; i < length;) {
            RecipientParams calldata recipientParams = recipientParams_[i];
            packedRecipients[i] = account._pack(recipientParams.percentAllocation);  /// @audit

        return packedRecipients._unpackAccountsInPlace();  /// @audit

Within the LibRecipients#_pack(), the percentAllocation_ would be wrapped like this:

    function _pack(address account_, uint32 percentAllocation_) internal pure returns (PackedRecipient) {
        return PackedRecipient.wrap((uint256(uint160(account_)) << UINT96_BITS) | percentAllocation_);

Within the LibRecipients#_unpackAccountsInPlace(), the LibRecipients#_unpack() would be called and then the percentAllocations array would be returned like this:

    function _unpackAccountsInPlace(PackedRecipient[] memory packedRecipients_)
        returns (address[] memory accounts, uint32[] memory percentAllocations)
        uint256 length = packedRecipients_.length;
        assembly ("memory-safe") {
            accounts := packedRecipients_
        percentAllocations = new uint32[](length);
        for (uint256 i; i < length;) {
            (accounts[i], percentAllocations[i]) = _unpack(packedRecipients_[i]);  /// @audit 

Within the LibRecipients#_unpack(), the percentAllocation would be unwrapped and returned like this:

    function _unpack(PackedRecipient packedRecipient_)
        returns (address account, uint32 percentAllocation)
        uint256 packedRecipient = PackedRecipient.unwrap(packedRecipient_);
        percentAllocation = uint32(packedRecipient);  /// @audit 
        account = address(uint160(packedRecipient >> UINT96_BITS));

On the assumption that, total percent allocations are supposed to be 100%.

However, through the process of the percent allocation from the DiversifierFactory#createDiversifier() to the LibRecipients#_unpack() above, there is no validation to check whether or not the total percentage allocations would be 100%.


This lead to that the percent allocations would be wrongly set. For example, the total percent allocations would be more than 100% or less than 100%.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Within the DiversifierFactory#createDiversifier(), consider adding a validation to check whether or not the total percent allocations in the sortedPercentAllocations array would be 100% like this: (NOTE:In the example code below, the percent would be assumed in Basis Point)

    function createDiversifier(CreateDiversifierParams calldata params_) external returns (address diversifier) {
        // create pass-through wallet w {this} as owner & no passThrough
        PassThroughWalletImpl passThroughWallet = passThroughWalletFactory.createPassThroughWallet(
            PassThroughWalletImpl.InitParams({owner: address(this), paused: params_.paused, passThrough: ADDRESS_ZERO})
        diversifier = address(passThroughWallet);

        // parse oracle params for swapper-recipients
        OracleImpl oracle = _parseOracleParams(diversifier, params_.oracleParams);

        // create split w diversifier (pass-through wallet) as controller
        (address[] memory sortedAccounts, uint32[] memory sortedPercentAllocations) = 
            _parseRecipientParams(diversifier, oracle, params_.recipientParams);

+       uint32 totalPercentAllocations;
+       for (uint i=0; i < sortedPercentAllocations.length) {
+           totalPercentAllocations += sortedPercentAllocations[i];
+       }
+       require(totalPercentAllocations == 100_00, "Total percent allocations must be equal to 100%")  /// @dev - NOTE: The percent would be assumed in Basis Point (BPS)

        address passThroughSplit = splitMain.createSplit({
            accounts: sortedAccounts,
            percentAllocations: sortedPercentAllocations,
            distributorFee: 0,
            controller: diversifier
ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

Sponsor comment:

check is inside createSplit