sherlock-audit / 2023-04-unitasprotocol-judging

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XDZIBEC - XO-Reentrancy attack vulnerability in _revert function #83

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



XO-Reentrancy attack vulnerability in _revert function




- The vulnerability is in the `_revert` function, the problem is that the `revert` `opcode` does not disable the ability for other contracts to `call` the current contract  means that if an attacker can call the `_revert` function while the contract is in a `vulnerable` state, the attacker can then call other contracts and steal funds or data from the contract, this version of the `_revert` function uses the `unreachable` opcode to prevent other contracts from being called after the `revert` opcode is executed. This makes the contract immune to `reentrancy` attacks.
## Impact
- An attacker could exploit the `reentrancy` attack vulnerability in the `_revert` function:
    - The attacker sends some` funds` to the contract.
    - The attacker calls the `_revert` function.
    - The` _revert` function calls the `revert opcode`, which `reverts` the` transaction `and returns the` funds` to the `sender`.
    - The attacker calls another contract function that is `owned` by the attacker.
    - The second contract function `calls` back to the `_revert` function.
    - The `_revert `function is called again, even though it has already been called.
    - The attacker can now `steal` the `funds` that were returned to the sender in `step 3`.
## Code Snippet
## Tool used

Manual Review

## Recommendation
- to fix the issue in the `_revert` function, you can use the `unreachable opcode`. The unreachable opcode tells the `Ethereum` Virtual Machine that the current execution path is unreachable, and the `EVM` will not continue executing any instructions after the `unreachable opcode`.