sherlock-audit / 2023-05-perennial-judging

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BLACK-PANDA-REACH - DoS when calling `_chargeFee` in `MultiInvoker` #220

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



DoS when calling _chargeFee in MultiInvoker


When calling _chargeFee function in MultiInvoker contract with an amount not divisible by 1e12 it will always result in a DoS.

Vulnerability Detail

In MultiInvoker contract, when pulling USDC from user to wrap it to DSU, the following syntax is used:

USDC.pull(msg.sender, amount, true);

The third argument is to specify that amount has to be rounded up. For example, if amount is 1000000000000000001, when converting it to 6 decimals it will be 1000001 instead of 1000000.

However, the newly implemented _chargeFee function is using the following syntax, forgetting about the third argument:

function _chargeFee(address receiver, UFixed18 amount, bool wrapped) internal {
    if (wrapped) {
        USDC.pull(msg.sender, amount); // @audit-issue Not implementing third argument, DoS. 
        _handleWrap(receiver, amount);
    } else {
        USDC.pullTo(msg.sender, receiver, amount);

The lack of the third argument causes the amount to be truncated from 18 decimals to 6.

This is not the desired behaviour because later in the _handleWrap function it will always round up the amount if it's not divisible by 1e12. Both and batcher.wrap() will always round up the amount so if it's not rounded up in _chargeFee, it will revert later because of the lack of USDC funds.

function _handleWrap(address receiver, UFixed18 amount) internal {
    // If the batcher is 0 or  doesn't have enough for this wrap, go directly to the reserve
    if (address(batcher) == address(0) || {;
        if (receiver != address(this)) DSU.push(receiver, amount);
    } else {
        // Wrap the USDC into DSU and return to the receiver
        batcher.wrap(amount, receiver);

Imagine the following scenario:

  1. Bob calls _chargeFee with an amount of 1000000000000100000 (or any amount not divisible by 1e12).
  2. MultiInvoker converts 1000000000000100000 to 1e6 because it's not rounding up.
  3. MultiInvoker pulls 1e6 USDC from Bob.
  4. MultiInvoker calls, amount being 1000000000000100000.
  5. Reserve contract converts 1000000000000100000 to 1000001 because it's rounding up.
  6. Reserve tries to pull 1000001 USDC from MultiInvoker.
  7. Call reverts because MultiInvoker only owns 1e6 USDC.


This issue will cause the transaction to revert every time the _chargeFunction is called with an amount not divisible by 1e12 (amount % 1e12 != 0).

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


In _chargeFee function, it's recommended to pull USDC tokens from caller using the following syntax:

USDC.pull(msg.sender, amount, true);

This way the USDC amount received by the contract will be the same as the amount requested by the Batcher or Reserve contracts in _handleWrap, thus avoiding the DoS.

KenzoAgada commented 1 year ago

Valid finding, but does not break core protocol functionality nor causes loss of user funds. Considering as a valid low.