sherlock-audit / 2023-06-Index-judging

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0xSmartContract - block.timestamp means different things on different L2s #37

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



block.timestamp means different things on different L2s


It is stated in the documents of the project that it will be published on the Arbitrum network.

### Q: On what chains are the smart contracts going to be deployed?
Mainnet, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche

How do block.timestamp and block.number work on Arbitrum?

Solidity calls to block.number and block.timestamp on Arbitrum will return the block number/ timestamp of the underlying L1 on a slight delay; i.e., updated every few minutes.

Vulnerability Detail


block.timestamp means different things on different L2s

Code Snippet

   274          rebalanceInfo[_setToken].quoteAsset = _quoteAsset;
   275:         rebalanceInfo[_setToken].rebalanceStartTime = block.timestamp; // @audit-issue block.timestamp;
   276          rebalanceInfo[_setToken].rebalanceDuration = _rebalanceDuration;

   805              _componentQuantity,
   806:             block.timestamp.sub(rebalanceInfo[_setToken].rebalanceStartTime),
   807              rebalanceInfo[_setToken].rebalanceDuration,

  1189          RebalanceInfo storage rebalance = rebalanceInfo[_setToken];
  1190:         return (rebalance.rebalanceStartTime.add(rebalance.rebalanceDuration)) <= block.timestamp; // @audit-issue block.timestamp;
  1191      }

Tool used

Manual Review


Have the user pass a block.timestamp as the function argument

pblivin0x commented 1 year ago

I am not understanding the remediation here - bidder's should not be able to specify timestamp, as they could get a more favorable price by inputting a time later in the auction.

If there is a delay in block.timestamp updating on an L2, then the dutch auction should read a higher price then expected, which may delay execution but should not be a security risk.

Oot2k commented 1 year ago

Agree with sponsor. Was marked as valid first just to notice about L2 timestamp change.