sherlock-audit / 2023-06-tokemak-judging

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xiaoming90 - Price returned by Oracle is not verified #604

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Price returned by Oracle is not verified


The price returned by the oracle is not adequately verified, leading to incorrect pricing being accepted.

Vulnerability Detail

As per the example provided by Tellor on how to integrate the Tellor oracle into the system, it has shown the need to check that the price returned by the oracle is not zero.

function getTellorCurrentValue(bytes32 _queryId)
    // retrieve most recent 20+ minute old value for a queryId. the time buffer allows time for a bad value to be disputed
    (, bytes memory data, uint256 timestamp) = tellor.getDataBefore(_queryId, block.timestamp - 20 minutes);
    uint256 _value = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
    if (timestamp == 0 || _value == 0) return (false, _value, timestamp);

Thus, the value returned from the getDataBefore function should be verified to ensure that the price returned by the oracle is not zero. However, this was not implemented.

File: TellorOracle.sol
101:     function getPriceInEth(address tokenToPrice) external returns (uint256) {
102:         TellorInfo memory tellorInfo = _getQueryInfo(tokenToPrice);
103:         uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
104:         // Giving time for Tellor network to dispute price
105:         (bytes memory value, uint256 timestampRetrieved) = getDataBefore(tellorInfo.queryId, timestamp - 30 minutes);
106:         uint256 tellorStoredTimeout = uint256(tellorInfo.pricingTimeout);
107:         uint256 tokenPricingTimeout = tellorStoredTimeout == 0 ? DEFAULT_PRICING_TIMEOUT : tellorStoredTimeout;
109:         // Check that something was returned and freshness of price.
110:         if (timestampRetrieved == 0 || timestamp - timestampRetrieved > tokenPricingTimeout) {
111:             revert InvalidDataReturned();
112:         }
114:         uint256 price = abi.decode(value, (uint256));
115:         return _denominationPricing(tellorInfo.denomination, price, tokenToPrice);
116:     }


The protocol relies on the oracle to provide accurate pricing for many critical operations, such as determining the debt values of DV, calculators/stats used during the rebalancing process, NAV/shares of the LMPVault, and determining how much assets the users should receive during withdrawal.

If an incorrect value of zero is returned from Tellor, affected assets within the protocol will be considered worthless.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Update the affected function as follows.

function getPriceInEth(address tokenToPrice) external returns (uint256) {
    TellorInfo memory tellorInfo = _getQueryInfo(tokenToPrice);
    uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;
    // Giving time for Tellor network to dispute price
    (bytes memory value, uint256 timestampRetrieved) = getDataBefore(tellorInfo.queryId, timestamp - 30 minutes);
    uint256 tellorStoredTimeout = uint256(tellorInfo.pricingTimeout);
    uint256 tokenPricingTimeout = tellorStoredTimeout == 0 ? DEFAULT_PRICING_TIMEOUT : tellorStoredTimeout;

    // Check that something was returned and freshness of price.
-   if (timestampRetrieved == 0 || timestamp - timestampRetrieved > tokenPricingTimeout) {
+   if (timestampRetrieved == 0 || value == 0 || timestamp - timestampRetrieved > tokenPricingTimeout) {
        revert InvalidDataReturned();

    uint256 price = abi.decode(value, (uint256));
    return _denominationPricing(tellorInfo.denomination, price, tokenToPrice);
sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

Trumpero commented:

low, similar to chainlink round completeness

xiaoming9090 commented 11 months ago


The reason why chainlink round completeness is considered invalid/low in Sherlock is that the OCR does not rely on rounds for reporting anymore. Not validating the price returned from the oracle is zero is a much more serious issue and is different from the round completeness issue related to lagged/outdated price.

If an incorrect value of zero is returned from Tellor, affected assets within the protocol will be considered worthless. Thus, it is important that this check must be done. In addition, per the example provided by Tellor on how to integrate the Tellor oracle into the system, it has shown the need to check that the price returned by the oracle is not zero.

Thus, this is a valid High issue.

sherlock-admin2 commented 11 months ago


The reason why chainlink round completeness is considered invalid/low in Sherlock is that the OCR does not rely on rounds for reporting anymore. Not validating the price returned from the oracle is zero is a much more serious issue and is different from the round completeness issue related to lagged/outdated price.

If an incorrect value of zero is returned from Tellor, affected assets within the protocol will be considered worthless. Thus, it is important that this check must be done. In addition, per the example provided by Tellor on how to integrate the Tellor oracle into the system, it has shown the need to check that the price returned by the oracle is not zero.

Thus, this is a valid High issue.

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Trumpero commented 11 months ago

Hello @xiaoming9090, according to the information I found in the Tellor documentation under the section "Solidity Integration," the provided example in the documentation differs from the example you provided, and it lacks a check for the 0-value.

Could you please provide more details about the source of your example?

xiaoming9090 commented 11 months ago

Hey @Trumpero, the repo can be found in the Tellor's User Checklist, which is a guide that the protocol team need to go through before using the Tellor oracle.

One point to make is that Chainlink or Tellor would not provide an example that checks for zero-value in all their examples. The reason is that not all use cases require zero-value checks. Suppose a simple protocol performs a non-price-sensitive operation, such as fetching a price to emit an event for the protocol team's internal reference. In that case, there is no need to check for zero value.

However, for Tokemak and many other protocols involving financial transactions, it is critical that the price of assets cannot be zero due to errors from Oracle. Thus, a zero-values check is consistently implemented on such kind of protocols. Therefore, we need to determine if a zero-values check is required on a case-by-case basis. In this case, Tokemak falls under the latter group.

Trumpero commented 11 months ago

Tks @xiaoming9090, understand it now. Seem a valid issue for me @codenutt. The severity for me should be medium, since it assumes the tellor oracle returns a 0 price value.

Evert0x commented 11 months ago

Planning to accept escalation and make issue medium

codenutt commented 11 months ago

@Trumpero Our goal with the check is to verify that a price was actually found. Based on their contract checking for timestamp == 0 is sufficient as it returns both 0 and 0 in this state:

Trumpero commented 11 months ago

Based on the sponsor's comment, I think this issue is low.

Evert0x commented 11 months ago

Planning to reject escalation and keep issue state as is @xiaoming9090

xiaoming9090 commented 11 months ago

The sponsor's comment simply explains the purpose/intention of the if-condition is to check that a price is returned from Tellor Oracle. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is fine that the returned price is zero OR there is no risk if the return price is zero.

The protocol uses two (2) oracles (Chainlink and Tellor). In their Chainlink oracle's implementation, the protocol has explicitly checked that the price returned is more than zero. Otherwise, the oracle will revert. Thus, it is obvious that zero price is not accepted to the protocol based on the codebase.

if (
    roundId == 0 || price <= 0 || updatedAt == 0 || updatedAt > timestamp
        || updatedAt < timestamp - tokenPricingTimeout
) revert InvalidDataReturned();

However, this was not consistently implemented in their Tellor's oracle, which is highlighted in this report.

In addition, as pointed out in my earlier escalation. for Tokemak and many other protocols involving financial transactions, it is critical that the price of assets cannot be zero. Thus, a zero-values check is consistently implemented on such kind of protocols. Some examples are as follows:

Evert0x commented 11 months ago

Thanks @xiaoming9090

The core issue is that 0 value isn't handled well. There is no counter argument to this in the recent comments.

Planning to accept escalation and make issue medium

Evert0x commented 10 months ago

@Trumpero let me know if you agree with this.

Trumpero commented 10 months ago

I agree that this issue should be a medium within the scope of Tokemak contracts.

Evert0x commented 10 months ago

Result: Medium Unique

sherlock-admin2 commented 10 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

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