sherlock-audit / 2023-07-blueberry-judging

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bitsurfer - AuraSpell `openPositionFarm` will revert when the tokens contains `lpToken` #125

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago



AuraSpell openPositionFarm will revert when the tokens contains lpToken


AuraSpell openPositionFarm will revert when the tokens contains lpToken due to array length mismatch

Vulnerability Detail

In AuraSpell, the openPositionFarm will call joinPool in Balancer's vault. But when analyzing the JoinPoolRequest struct, we see issue on maxAmountsIn and amountsIn which can be in different length, thus this will be reverted since in Balancer's vault, this two array should be in the same length.

File: AuraSpell.sol
088:     function openPositionFarm(
089:         OpenPosParam calldata param,
090:         uint256 minimumBPT
091:     )
095:     {
110:         /// 3. Add liquidity to the Balancer pool and receive BPT in return.
111:         {
128:             if (poolAmountOut != 0) {
129:                 vault.joinPool(
130:                     wAuraPools.getBPTPoolId(lpToken),
131:                     address(this),
132:                     address(this),
133:                     IBalancerVault.JoinPoolRequest({
134:                         assets: tokens,
135:                         maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn,
136:                         userData: abi.encode(1, amountsIn, _minimumBPT),
137:                         fromInternalBalance: false
138:                     })
139:                 );
140:             }
141:         }
178:     }
296:     function _getJoinPoolParamsAndApprove(
297:         address vault,
298:         address[] memory tokens,
299:         uint256[] memory balances,
300:         address lpToken
301:     ) internal returns (uint256[] memory, uint256[] memory, uint256) {
304:         uint256 length = tokens.length;
305:         uint256[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint256[](length);
306:         uint256[] memory amountsIn = new uint256[](length);
307:         bool isLPIncluded;
309:         for (i; i != length; ) {
310:             if (tokens[i] != lpToken) {
311:                 amountsIn[j] = IERC20(tokens[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
312:                 if (amountsIn[j] > 0) {
313:                     _ensureApprove(tokens[i], vault, amountsIn[j]);
314:                 }
315:                 ++j;
316:             } else isLPIncluded = true;
318:             maxAmountsIn[i] = IERC20(tokens[i]).balanceOf(address(this));
320:             unchecked {
321:                 ++i;
322:             }
323:         }
325:         if (isLPIncluded) {
326:             assembly {
327:                 mstore(amountsIn, sub(mload(amountsIn), 1))
328:             }
329:         }
345:         return (maxAmountsIn, amountsIn, poolAmountOut);
346:     }

these maxAmountsIn and amountsIn are coming from _getJoinPoolParamsAndApprove. And by seeing the function, we can see that there is possible issue when the tokens[i] == lpToken.

When tokens[i] == lpToken, the flag isLPIncluded will be true. And will enter this block,

325:         if (isLPIncluded) {
326:             assembly {
327:                 mstore(amountsIn, sub(mload(amountsIn), 1))
328:             }
329:         }

this will decrease the amountsIn length. Thus, amountsIn and maxAmountsIn will be in different length.

In Balancer's JoinPoolRequest struct, the maxAmountsIn, and userData second decoded bytes (amountsIn) should be the same array length, because it will be checked in Balancer.

133:                     IBalancerVault.JoinPoolRequest({
134:                         assets: tokens,
135:                         maxAmountsIn: maxAmountsIn,
136:                         userData: abi.encode(1, amountsIn, _minimumBPT),
137:                         fromInternalBalance: false
138:                     })

Therefore, in this situation, it will be reverted.


User can't open position on AuraSpell when tokens contains lpToken

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Remove the assembly code where it will decrease the amountsIn length when isLPIncluded is true to make sure the array length are same.