sherlock-audit / 2023-07-kyber-swap-judging

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nican0r - Loss of rTokens owed if a user is owed more rTokens than the Position Manager's balance #70

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago



Loss of rTokens owed if a user is owed more rTokens than the Position Manager's balance


If a user calls BasePositionManager::burnRTokens and they're owed more than the Position Manager's current balance they only receive up to the balance of the Pool and have their remaining balance of rTokenOwed wiped out.

Vulnerability Detail

In BasePositionManager::burnRTokens when the rTokenQty > rTokenBalance the following call to Pool::burnRTokens burns the entire balance of the BasePositionManager:

(amount0, amount1) = pool.burnRTokens(
      rTokenQty > rTokenBalance ? rTokenBalance : rTokenQty,

this results in the LP that called the function only receiving rTokenBalance - rTokenQty when the burn is complete.


  1. Bob has rTokenQty = 100
  2. The BasePositionManager only has rTokenBalance = 90 because the other 10 were earned from fees gained through rewards earned on the reinvested rTokens and so are only minted when _syncFeeGrowth is called
  3. If bob calls BasePositionManager::burnRTokens , it sets pos.rTokenOwed = 0 and calls pool.burnRTokens(90)
  4. Pool::burnRTokens then makes a call to _syncFeeGrowth which mints the 10 remaining rTokens but the function was already called with _qty = 90, so only those are burned for Bob and the remaining 10 stay in BasePositionManager
  5. If Bob tries to call BasePositionManager::burnRTokens again he won't receive any reward because he's had rTokenOwed for his position reset to 0


LPs lose rTokenQty - rTokenBalance whenever they try to burn rTokenQty > rTokenBalance. They are unable to recover these lost rTokens and they remain stuck in BasePositionManager.

Code Snippet


    rTokenQty = pos.rTokenOwed;
    require(rTokenQty > 0, 'No rToken to burn');

    PoolInfo memory poolInfo = _poolInfoById[pos.poolId];
    IPool pool = _getPool(poolInfo.token0, poolInfo.token1, poolInfo.fee);

    pos.rTokenOwed = 0;
    uint256 rTokenBalance = IERC20(address(pool)).balanceOf(address(this));
    (amount0, amount1) = pool.burnRTokens(
      rTokenQty > rTokenBalance ? rTokenBalance : rTokenQty, // @audit when the rTokenQty is greater this only burns rTokenQty - rTokenBalance for the balance of BasePositionManager before reinvestment fees are minted


  function burnRTokens(uint256 _qty, bool isLogicalBurn)
    returns (uint256 qty0, uint256 qty1)
    if (isLogicalBurn) {
      _burn(msg.sender, _qty);

      emit BurnRTokens(msg.sender, _qty, 0, 0);
      return (0, 0);
    // SLOADs for gas optimizations
    uint128 baseL = poolData.baseL;
    uint128 reinvestL = poolData.reinvestL;
    uint160 sqrtP = poolData.sqrtP;
    _syncFeeGrowth(baseL, reinvestL, poolData.feeGrowthGlobal, false); // @audit feeGrowth is synced here to account for change in reinvested liquidity

    // totalSupply() is the reinvestment token supply after syncing, but before burning
    uint256 deltaL = FullMath.mulDivFloor(_qty, reinvestL, totalSupply());
    reinvestL = reinvestL - deltaL.toUint128();
    poolData.reinvestL = reinvestL;
    poolData.reinvestLLast = reinvestL;
    // finally, calculate and send token quantities to user
    qty0 = QtyDeltaMath.getQty0FromBurnRTokens(sqrtP, deltaL);
    qty1 = QtyDeltaMath.getQty1FromBurnRTokens(sqrtP, deltaL);

    _burn(msg.sender, _qty); // @audit when _qty passed in is the BasePositionManager balance before syncing only that much is burned


  /// @dev sync the value of feeGrowthGlobal and the value of each reinvestment token.
  /// @dev update reinvestLLast to latest value if necessary
  /// @return the lastest value of _feeGrowthGlobal
  function _syncFeeGrowth(
    uint128 baseL,
    uint128 reinvestL,
    uint256 _feeGrowthGlobal,
    bool updateReinvestLLast
  ) internal returns (uint256) {
    uint256 rMintQty = ReinvestmentMath.calcrMintQty(
    if (rMintQty != 0) {
      rMintQty = _deductGovermentFee(rMintQty);
      _mint(address(this), rMintQty);
      // baseL != 0 because baseL = 0 => rMintQty = 0
      unchecked {
        _feeGrowthGlobal += FullMath.mulDivFloor(rMintQty, C.TWO_POW_96, baseL);
      poolData.feeGrowthGlobal = _feeGrowthGlobal;
    // update poolData.reinvestLLast if required
    if (updateReinvestLLast) poolData.reinvestLLast = reinvestL;
    return _feeGrowthGlobal;

Tool used

Manual Review


Add the following conditional statement to ensure pos.rTokenOwed isn't set to 0 in the case where rTokenQty > rTokenBalance:

 if(rTokenQty > rTokenBalance) {
      pos.rTokenOwed = rTokenBalance - rTokenQty;
    } else {
      pos.rTokenOwed = 0;

this will allow the LP to call BasePositionManager::burnRTokens again to burn their remaining rTokens once the fees for reinvested liquidity growth are synced.

manhlx3006 commented 1 year ago

Sponsor Disputed

nican0r commented 1 year ago


The part that the rTokens don't get minted to the PositionManager is correct, they are in fact minted to the Pool because the call to _syncFeeGrowth passes the to value in _mint as `address(this):

however the mint itself will still occur in the given scenario because the calculation for rMintQty will be > 0:

The additional 10 rTokens would then be in the Pool contract which as stated the user would try to redeem by first calling BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth which makes a call to Pool::tweakPosZeroLiq:

this calls _syncFeeGrowth again, however because the initial call had the updateReinvestLLast boolean set to false the tokens are again minted to the Pool, increasing the supply of rTokens in the Pool once again with rTokens that have already been accounted for:

for the user to be able to redeem their rTokens the BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth then tries to update the value of pos.rTokenOwed in the call to _updateRTokenOwedAndFeeGrowth:

however, given that the feeGrowth hasn't changed the logic that increments pos.rTokenOwed is skipped:

and therefore the original issue still holds as the pos.rTokenOwed = 0 from the initial call to BasePositionManager::burnRTokens

which triggers the require statement on L255 to revert:

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago


The part that the rTokens don't get minted to the PositionManager is correct, they are in fact minted to the Pool because the call to _syncFeeGrowth passes the to value in _mint as `address(this):

however the mint itself will still occur in the given scenario because the calculation for rMintQty will be > 0:

The additional 10 rTokens would then be in the Pool contract which as stated the user would try to redeem by first calling BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth which makes a call to Pool::tweakPosZeroLiq:

this calls _syncFeeGrowth again, however because the initial call had the updateReinvestLLast boolean set to false the tokens are again minted to the Pool, increasing the supply of rTokens in the Pool once again with rTokens that have already been accounted for:

for the user to be able to redeem their rTokens the BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth then tries to update the value of pos.rTokenOwed in the call to _updateRTokenOwedAndFeeGrowth:

however, given that the feeGrowth hasn't changed the logic that increments pos.rTokenOwed is skipped:

and therefore the original issue still holds as the pos.rTokenOwed = 0 from the initial call to BasePositionManager::burnRTokens

which triggers the require statement on L255 to revert:

The escalation could not be created because you are not exceeding the escalation threshold.

You can view the required number of additional valid issues/judging contest payouts in your Profile page, in the Sherlock webapp.

nican0r commented 1 year ago


The part that the rTokens don't get minted to the PositionManager is correct, they are in fact minted to the Pool because the call to _syncFeeGrowth passes the to value in _mint as `address(this):

however the mint itself will still occur in the given scenario because the calculation for rMintQty will be > 0:

The additional 10 rTokens would then be in the Pool contract which as stated the user would try to redeem by first calling BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth which makes a call to Pool::tweakPosZeroLiq:

this calls _syncFeeGrowth again, however because the initial call had the updateReinvestLLast boolean set to false the tokens are again minted to the Pool, increasing the supply of rTokens in the Pool once again with rTokens that have already been accounted for:

for the user to be able to redeem their rTokens the BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth then tries to update the value of pos.rTokenOwed in the call to _updateRTokenOwedAndFeeGrowth:

however, given that the feeGrowth hasn't changed the logic that increments pos.rTokenOwed is skipped:

and therefore the original issue still holds as the pos.rTokenOwed = 0 from the initial call to BasePositionManager::burnRTokens

which triggers the require statement on L255 to revert:

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 year ago


The part that the rTokens don't get minted to the PositionManager is correct, they are in fact minted to the Pool because the call to _syncFeeGrowth passes the to value in _mint as `address(this):

however the mint itself will still occur in the given scenario because the calculation for rMintQty will be > 0:

The additional 10 rTokens would then be in the Pool contract which as stated the user would try to redeem by first calling BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth which makes a call to Pool::tweakPosZeroLiq:

this calls _syncFeeGrowth again, however because the initial call had the updateReinvestLLast boolean set to false the tokens are again minted to the Pool, increasing the supply of rTokens in the Pool once again with rTokens that have already been accounted for:

for the user to be able to redeem their rTokens the BasePositionManager::syncFeeGrowth then tries to update the value of pos.rTokenOwed in the call to _updateRTokenOwedAndFeeGrowth:

however, given that the feeGrowth hasn't changed the logic that increments pos.rTokenOwed is skipped:

and therefore the original issue still holds as the pos.rTokenOwed = 0 from the initial call to BasePositionManager::burnRTokens

which triggers the require statement on L255 to revert:

The escalation could not be created because you are not exceeding the escalation threshold.

You can view the required number of additional valid issues/judging contest payouts in your Profile page, in the Sherlock webapp.

manhlx3006 commented 1 year ago

This escalation is invalid.

this calls _syncFeeGrowth again, however because the initial call had the updateReinvestLLast boolean set to false the tokens are again minted to the Pool, increasing the supply of rTokens in the Pool once again with rTokens that have already been accounted for:

=> This is invalid

In the burnRTokens function in Pool contract: Even though the boolean is set to false (i.e not update reinvestLLast in the _syncFeeGrowth function), it is updated in the burnRTokens right after calling _syncFeeGrowth (line 279 -> 282):

Reason: In the burnRTokens case, the reinvestL will be updated as burning, thus, it waits for reinvestL to be updated before updating reinvestLLast. In other cases, it can update reinvestLLast = reinvestL in the _syncFeeGrowth function as reinvestL is unchanged after that, so boolean is set to be true

So in general, the reinvestLLast is always updated to the latest reinvestL after syncing the growth fee. As the reinvestL and reinvestLLast are always updated correctly, the _syncFeeGrowth works as expected.

This causes other steps in the reporter's comment to be invalid.