sherlock-audit / 2023-07-perennial-judging

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ck - Settling and Updating Vault will fail if one market breaks #113

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Settling and Updating Vault will fail if one market breaks


Settling and Updating Vault will fail if one market breaks

Vulnerability Detail

Updating and settling of a vault requires all the markets in use by the vault to be updated. This can be seen in the function Vault::_settleUnderlying:

    /// @notice Handles settling the vault's underlying markets
    function _settleUnderlying() private {
        for (uint256 marketId; marketId < totalMarkets; marketId++)

This function is called by both the Vault::settle and Vault::update functions. If one of the markets is broken, this would lead to a revert therefore breaking these functions.

One possible way a single market would cause this revert is if the Market::update function was paused:

    function update(
        address account,
        UFixed6 newMaker,
        UFixed6 newLong,
        UFixed6 newShort,
        Fixed6 collateral,
        bool protect
    ) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
        Context memory context = _loadContext(account);
        _settle(context, account);
        _update(context, account, newMaker, newLong, newShort, collateral, protect);
        _saveContext(context, account);

According to the contest readme, market owners should not be able to adversely affect other markets or the overall protocol. In this case a malicious owner could break the functionality of a vault.


Updating and Settling a vault are its core functions which would be broken translating into fund lockup and potential fund losses due to inability to call these functions.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Provide a way to exclude broken markets in critical functionality such as the vault update process.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

141345 commented:


darkart commented:

It it supposed to revert