sherlock-audit / 2023-07-perennial-judging

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MatricksDeCoder - Lack of validity and sanity checks while consuming Chainlink Oracle data #120

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Lack of validity and sanity checks while consuming Chainlink Oracle data


The project does not follow best practises in consuming Chainlink Oracle Price Feeds Data The result from Chainlink latestRoundData() are not validated or checked for integrity

Vulnerability Detail

The price received from latestRoundData() for the price of ETH in terms of the keeper token will be immediately used without any checks to the various other critical data returned from call. All other data for integrity checks are ignored.

See 0xMacro how to consume Oracle Price Feeds Safely ->


(uint80 roundID, int256 answer, , uint256 timestamp, uint80 answeredInRound) = ethTokenOracleFeed().latestRoundData(); This implies there are no checks for the following

Code Snippet

/// @notice Returns the price of ETH in terms of the keeper token
    /// @return The price of ETH in terms of the keeper token
    function _etherPrice() private view returns (UFixed18) {
        (, int256 answer, , ,) = ethTokenOracleFeed().latestRoundData();
        return UFixed18Lib.from(Fixed18Lib.ratio(answer, 1e8)); // chainlink eth-usd feed uses 8 decimals

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to perform checks for the returned data and ensure data validity and integrity by following the best practises of consuming Chianlinke Oracle Data here -> See 0xMacro how to consume Oracle Price Feeds Safely ->
Checks recommended in link focus on price validity, roundId validity, timestamp validity, price not zero, price in reasonable deviation, storing last good values and staleness checks, circuit breaker suggestions etc

For example below checks can be made as a bare minimum ...

   (uint80 roundID, int256 answer, , uint256 timestamp, uint80 answeredInRound) = ethTokenOracleFeed()latestRoundData();
        require(roundID !=  0, "Invalid");
        require(answeredInRound >= roundID, "Stale price");
        require(timestamp != 0,"Round not complete");
        require(answer > 0,"Chainlink answer reporting 0");
sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

3 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

141345 commented:


n33k commented:

unhandled stale price returned from latestRoundData()

darkart commented:

roundID is no longer used by Chainlink