sherlock-audit / 2023-07-perennial-judging

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tives - No validation of the Vault address in invoke #131

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



No validation of the Vault address in invoke


In the invoke function, there is no validation check to ensure that the vault address passed as an argument is a valid Vault contract. This means that the attacker can drain the vault contract.

Vulnerability Detail

function invoke(Invocation[] calldata invocations) external payable {
    for(uint i = 0; i < invocations.length; ++i) {
        Invocation memory invocation = invocations[i];
        } else if (invocation.action == PerennialAction.UPDATE_VAULT) {
                (IVault vault, UFixed6 depositAssets, UFixed6 redeemShares, UFixed6 claimAssets, bool wrap)
                    = abi.decode(invocation.args, (IVault, UFixed6, UFixed6, UFixed6, bool));

                _vaultUpdate(vault, depositAssets, redeemShares, claimAssets, wrap);

// there is no validation about the legitimacy of the Vault contract


function _vaultUpdate(
        IVault vault,)
        vault.update(msg.sender, depositAssets, redeemShares, claimAssets);

Since this is a custom Vault contract, the update function will successfully return for any claim amount

Then code continues on to withdraw

if (!claimAmount.isZero()) {
    _withdraw(msg.sender, claimAmount, wrap);

In withdraw, the funds are just pushed to the receiver

function _withdraw(address account, UFixed6 amount, bool wrap) internal {
        DSU.push(account, UFixed18Lib.from(amount));


Users can drain the DSU from vault

Code Snippet

function _vaultUpdate(
    IVault vault,
    UFixed6 depositAssets,
    UFixed6 redeemShares,
    UFixed6 claimAssets,
    bool wrap
) internal {
... // vault will not revert for custom vault contract
    vault.update(msg.sender, depositAssets, redeemShares, claimAssets);

    if (!claimAmount.isZero()) {
        _withdraw(msg.sender, claimAmount, wrap);

Tool used

Manual Review


Use a Vault whitelist so users cannot use a custom vault.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

141345 commented:
