sherlock-audit / 2023-09-nounsbuilder-judging

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bin2chen - when reservedUntilTokenId > 100 first funder loss 1% NFT #42

Open sherlock-admin opened 9 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago



when reservedUntilTokenId > 100 first funder loss 1% NFT


The incorrect use of baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId may result in the first tokenRecipient[] being invalid, thus preventing the founder from obtaining this portion of the NFT.

Vulnerability Detail

The current protocol adds a parameter reservedUntilTokenId for reserving Token. This parameter will be used as the starting baseTokenId during initialization.

    function _addFounders(IManager.FounderParams[] calldata _founders, uint256 reservedUntilTokenId) internal {

                // Used to store the base token id the founder will recieve
@>              uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId;

                // For each token to vest:
                for (uint256 j; j < founderPct; ++j) {
                    // Get the available token id
                    baseTokenId = _getNextTokenId(baseTokenId);

                    // Store the founder as the recipient
                    tokenRecipient[baseTokenId] = newFounder;

                    emit MintScheduled(baseTokenId, founderId, newFounder);

                    // Update the base token id
                    baseTokenId = (baseTokenId + schedule) % 100;

    function _getNextTokenId(uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (uint256) {
        unchecked {
@>          while (tokenRecipient[_tokenId].wallet != address(0)) {
                _tokenId = (++_tokenId) % 100;

            return _tokenId;

Because baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId is used, if reservedUntilTokenId>100, for example, reservedUntilTokenId=200, the first _getNextTokenId(200) will return baseTokenId=200 , tokenRecipient[200]=newFounder.

Example: reservedUntilTokenId = 200 founder[0].founderPct = 10

In this way, the tokenRecipient[] of founder will become tokenRecipient[200].wallet = founder ( first will call _getNextTokenId(200) return 200) tokenRecipient[10].wallet = founder ( second will call _getNextTokenId((200 + 10) %100 = 10) ) tokenRecipient[20].wallet = founder ... tokenRecipient[90].wallet = founder

However, this tokenRecipient[200] will never be used, because in _isForFounder(), it will be modulo, so only baseTokenId < 100 is valid. In this way, the first founder can actually only 9% of NFT.

    function _isForFounder(uint256 _tokenId) private returns (bool) {
        // Get the base token id
@>      uint256 baseTokenId = _tokenId % 100;

        // If there is no scheduled recipient:
        if (tokenRecipient[baseTokenId].wallet == address(0)) {
            return false;

            // Else if the founder is still vesting:
        } else if (block.timestamp < tokenRecipient[baseTokenId].vestExpiry) {
            // Mint the token to the founder
@>          _mint(tokenRecipient[baseTokenId].wallet, _tokenId);

            return true;

            // Else the founder has finished vesting:
        } else {
            // Remove them from future lookups
            delete tokenRecipient[baseTokenId];

            return false;


The following test demonstrates that tokenRecipient[200] is for founder.

  1. need change tokenRecipient to public , so can assertEq

    contract TokenStorageV1 is TokenTypesV1 {
    /// @notice The token settings
    Settings internal settings;
    /// @notice The vesting details of a founder
    /// @dev Founder id => Founder
    mapping(uint256 => Founder) internal founder;
    /// @notice The recipient of a token
    /// @dev ERC-721 token id => Founder
    -   mapping(uint256 => Founder) internal tokenRecipient;
    +   mapping(uint256 => Founder) public tokenRecipient;
  2. add to token.t.sol

    function test_lossFirst(address _minter, uint256 _reservedUntilTokenId, uint256 _tokenId) public {
        (address wallet ,,)= token.tokenRecipient(200);
$ forge test -vvv --match-test test_lossFirst

Running 1 test for test/Token.t.sol:TokenTest
[PASS] test_lossFirst(address,uint256,uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 3221578, ~: 3221578)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 355.45ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)


when reservedUntilTokenId > 100 first funder loss 1% NFT

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


  1. A better is that the baseTokenId always starts from 0.

    function _addFounders(IManager.FounderParams[] calldata _founders, uint256 reservedUntilTokenId) internal {
                // Used to store the base token id the founder will recieve
    -               uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId;
    +               uint256 baseTokenId =0;


  2. use uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId % 100;

    function _addFounders(IManager.FounderParams[] calldata _founders, uint256 reservedUntilTokenId) internal {
                // Used to store the base token id the founder will recieve
    -               uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId;
    +               uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId  % 100;
neokry commented 9 months ago

This is valid and is the core issue behind #247 as well. baseTokenId should start at 0 in addFounders

nevillehuang commented 9 months ago

I initially separated the 4 findings below, but I agree, #177, #247 and #67 are only possible because of the following lines of code here, wherein _addFounder(), baseTokenId is incorrectly initialized to reservedUntilTokenId in addFounders(), which is the root cause of the issue, and once fixed, all the issues will be fixed too. There are 4 impacts mentioned by watsons.

uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId;
  1. Previous founders that are meant to be deleted are retained causing them to continue receiving minted NFTs --> High severity, since it is a definite loss of funds

  2. 247: Any reserveTokenId greater than 100 will cause a 1% loss of NFT for founder --> High severity, since it is a definite loss of funds for founder as long as reservedUntilTokenId is set greater than 100, which is not unlikely

  3. 177: This is essentially only an issue as baseTokenId is incorrectly set as reservedUntilTokenId but will cause a definite loss of founders NFT if performed, so keeping as duplicate

  4. 67: This is closely related to the above finding (177), where a new update to reservedUntilTokenId via setReservedUntilTokenId can cause over/underallocation NFTs so keeping as duplicate

However, in the context of the audit period, I could also see why watsons separated these issues, so happy to hear from watsons during escalation period revolving deduplication of these issues.

neokry commented 9 months ago

Fixed here:

nevillehuang commented 9 months ago

Hi @neokry would be helpful if you could highlight to watsons here why you think the following primary issues should be duplicated under this issue:




From my understanding it stems from the _addFounders() function used in both the initialize() and updateFounders() function, in particular the following line here,

uint256 baseTokenId = reservedUntilTokenId;

But it would be extremely helpful if you could provide a more detailed explanation in each finding, and show how the fix to #42 also fixes the rest of the findings.

To all watsons, this is my initial deduplication here, feel free to also provide me the flow state of the functions to prove that they do not have the same root cause.

nevillehuang commented 9 months ago

Hi watsons, The core of issue #42 is that baseTokenId should not start with reservedUntilTokenId within addFounders()

67 and its duplicates

I believe this issue and its duplicates are invalid as there is a misunderstanding of how founders token amount are assigned based on this comment here

Both #177 and #247 and its duplicates This issue hinges on the same root cause that baseTokenId is initialized as reservedUntilTokenId. However, the key difference here is that updateFounders() is also affected, which is a completely different function. However, I still think that this should be duplicated with #42, based on sherlock duplication rules, more specifically, see point 1.1 and 2. The only point where they cannot be considered duplicates is when the fixes are different.

Unless a watson can prove to me that the fix implemented here by the sponsor is insufficient, I am inclined to keep all of them as duplicates except the above mentioned #67 and its duplicates.

IAm0x52 commented 8 months ago

Fix looks good. BaseTokenId now always starts at 0.