When using the liquidate() function, repayable0 and repayable1 are calculated without interest. During repayment in the repay() function, the _load function accrues interests and updates the borrow index.
// Accrue interest and update reserves
(Cache memory cache, ) = _load();
unchecked {
// Convert `amount` to `units`
units = (amount * BORROWS_SCALER) / cache.borrowIndex;
if (!(units < b)) {
units = b - 1;
uint256 maxRepay = (units * cache.borrowIndex).unsafeDivUp(BORROWS_SCALER);
require(b > 1 && amount <= maxRepay, "Aloe: repay too much");
// Track borrows
borrows[beneficiary] = b - units;
cache.borrowBase -= units;
The units will be lower than expected due to updated borrowIndex, and the borrows[beneficiary] wont be zero as expected.
Due to an incorrect repayment amount, the borrower balance cannot be fully paid, which may result in bad debt.
Code Snippet
function test_spec_repayDAIAndETHWithUniswapPosition() public {
uint256 strain = 1;
// give the account 1 DAI and 0.1 ETH
deal(address(asset0), address(account), 1.1e18);
deal(address(asset1), address(account), 0.1e18);
// borrow 200 DAI and 20 ETH
bytes memory data = abi.encode(Action.BORROW, 200e18, 20e18);
account.modify(this, data, (1 << 32));
// create a small Uniswap position
data = abi.encode(Action.UNI_DEPOSIT, 0, 0);
account.modify(this, data, (1 << 32));
_setInterest(lender0, 10010);
_setInterest(lender1, 10010);
assertEq(lender0.borrowBalance(address(account)), 200.2e18);
assertEq(lender1.borrowBalance(address(account)), 20.02e18);
vm.warp(10 days);
// Even if the strain is one, debt is not cleared completely.
account.liquidate(this, bytes(""), strain, (1 << 32));
vm.warp(1000 days);
account.liquidate(this, bytes(""), strain, (1 << 32));
Tool used
Manual Review
the accrueInterest() function should be called inside the liquidate function.
Wrong repay amount inside the liquidate function
Vulnerability Detail
When using the liquidate() function, repayable0 and repayable1 are calculated without interest. During repayment in the repay() function, the _load function accrues interests and updates the borrow index.
The units will be lower than expected due to updated borrowIndex, and the borrows[beneficiary] wont be zero as expected.
Due to an incorrect repayment amount, the borrower balance cannot be fully paid, which may result in bad debt.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
the accrueInterest() function should be called inside the liquidate function.
Duplicate of #41