sherlock-audit / 2023-10-mzero-judging

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00001111x0 - `MinterGateway.updateCollateral()` signatures may be replayed to mint uncollateralized MToken in case of two collateral updates around the same time #36

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



MinterGateway.updateCollateral() signatures may be replayed to mint uncollateralized MToken in case of two collateral updates around the same time


It is possible for a minter who obtains two sets of signatures to do two collateral updates around the same time to replay the first set of signatures to set the collateral value higher than the actual offchain holdings and mint uncollateralized MToken for profit.

Vulnerability Detail

There are a few details that make this attack possible. The first is that validator timestamps can be different for the same call to updateCollateral().

    function updateCollateral(
        // Verify that enough valid signatures are provided, and get the minimum timestamp across all valid signatures.
        minTimestamp_ = _verifyValidatorSignatures(

The second is that there is no nonce used in validator signatures for updateCollateral().

    function _getUpdateCollateralDigest(
        address minter_,
        uint256 collateral_,
        uint256[] calldata retrievalIds_,
        bytes32 metadataHash_,
        uint256 timestamp_
    ) internal view returns (bytes32) {

These combine with the third detail to enable the attack.

When pending retrievals are executed in updateCollateral(), any retrieval that has already been executed will be ignored instead of reverting the transaction:

    function _resolvePendingRetrievals(
        address minter_,
        uint256[] calldata retrievalIds_
    ) internal returns (uint240 totalResolvedCollateralRetrieval_) {
        for (uint256 index_; index_ < retrievalIds_.length; ++index_) {
            uint48 retrievalId_ = UIntMath.safe48(retrievalIds_[index_]);
            uint240 pendingCollateralRetrieval_ = _pendingCollateralRetrievals[minter_][retrievalId_];

            if (pendingCollateralRetrieval_ == 0) continue;

            unchecked {
                // NOTE: The `proposeRetrieval` function already ensures that the sum of all
                // `_pendingCollateralRetrievals` is not larger than `type(uint240).max`.
                totalResolvedCollateralRetrieval_ += pendingCollateralRetrieval_;

            delete _pendingCollateralRetrievals[minter_][retrievalId_];

            emit RetrievalResolved(retrievalId_, minter_);

Normally, replaying a set of signatures for updateCollateral() won't do anything since the timestamp check in _updateCollateral() will typically prevent 'rollbacks'. However, if the minter updates the collateral twice around the same time there is an edge case where replaying the first update can improperly increase the collateral.

For this edge case to occur, a minter needs to submit two withdrawal requests and then obtain two sets of validator signatures to approve these requests. The first withdrawal request needs to have N+1 validator signatures, where N is the threshold. Also, there must be a difference of at least two seconds between the two smallest timestamps of the first set of signatures, and the smallest timestamp of the second set of signatures must be between the two smallest timestamps of the first set of signatures.

Example scenario:

  1. Minter submits one withdrawal request to withdraw some small amount of collateral, and obtains the first set of validator signatures. The minter submits another withdrawal request right after to withdraw some large amount of the collateral, and obtains the second set of validator signatures.
  2. The minter calls updateCollateral() with the first set of signatures, omitting the signature with the second smallest timestamp. The minter's collateral is decreased by a small amount.
  3. The minter calls updateCollateral() with the second set of signatures, decreasing the collateral by a large amount (ideally the minter wants to withdraw the entire collateral).
  4. The minter retrieves the offchain collateral from the protocol.
  5. The minter calls updateCollateral() with the first set of signatures again, this time omitting the signature with the smallest timestamp and including the signature with the second smallest timestamp. The result is that the collateral is set to the large amount of collateral that the minter had before the second withdrawal.
  6. The minter mints uncollateralized MTokens and sells them for profit.

There are some other variations possible for this attack, but I suspect this one is the only likely one.


Theft of funds, uncollateralized MToken minting.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The scenario outlined will not be possible if _resolvePendingRetrievals() reverts for already executed retrievals. Another fix is to use a nonce so that updateCollateral() signatures can't be replayed.

Duplicate of #46

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

due to this comment by sponsor i dont think this be a valid issue; minters are truster and also the validators can oversee their activities before execution.

deluca-mike commented 5 months ago

This does not seem like a valid issue.

First, there lacks a PoC.

Second, the user misunderstands the flow of redemption requests.

When a minter requests a redemption, it immediately reduces their on chain collateral, even after subsequent collateral updates, until the redemption is resolved. It is only resolved when the off-chain SPV performs the redemption. Then, validators will sign the new off-chain collateral balance (which is now less the actual redemption that took place), and include the redemption id that occured (if it is still also on-chain). Therefore, there is no way for the above outlined attack to be possible.

nevillehuang commented 5 months ago

Request poc

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

PoC requested from @00001111x0

Requests remaining: 2

00001111x0 commented 5 months ago

@nevillehuang I'll try to take a look at this issue but I'm not yet sure if I will have time before EOD tomorrow.

Tagging @xiaoming9090 in case he wants to take a look, seems like he also found this issue.

deluca-mike commented 5 months ago

It's important to understand that you need a threshold of validators in order to delete onchain pending redemptions. Without that, the pending redemptions will encumber any collateral on chain forever. And if the security assumptions are that a threshold of validators are honest, then all collateral updates that include the resolution of pending redemptions will also provide a collateral amount post these redemptions.

00001111x0 commented 5 months ago

@nevillehuang I think this is a dup of #46, which has a PoC.

@deluca-mike I read your comments carefully; this issue is about manipulating timestamps of valid collateral updates to rollback the state. It in fact assumes that the minter is obtaining a threshold of non-malicious/valid signatures. The clarity of my report can be improved and I didn't want to assume even a single compromised validator; the explanation in #46 is better.

I think I see why @deluca-mike marked this issue as invalid, as it's similar to #54 which seems to make some false assumptions. I think the attack pathway presented in this issue and #46 is valid, though.

deluca-mike commented 5 months ago

@00001111x0 Thanks, I'll take a look at #46.