sherlock-audit / 2023-10-mzero-judging

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KupiaSec - Incorrect penalty calculation for missing collateral updates #49

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago



Incorrect penalty calculation for missing collateral updates


The math formula that calculates penalty amount based on missed intervals is not correct

Vulnerability Detail

In _imposePenaltyIfMissedCollateralUpdates function of MinterGateway.sol, it imposes penalty based on currently owed amount of M token and the number of intervals that missed the collateral updates, as follows:

_imposePenalty(minter_, uint152(principalOfActiveOwedM_) * missedIntervals_);

In calculation, the penalty amount is calculated by multiplying number of intervals, but this is not correct. The correct one has to be exponential instead of multiply.

Let's take an example: Alice owes 100M, penalty rate is 10%, and missed 3 intervals.

When the penalty is imposed after 3 intervals, she pays 30M as penalty. 100 3 10% = 30 However, assumed the penalty is imposed for each interval, she pays 33.1M as penalty. [Interval 1] 100 10% = 10 [Interval 2] (100 + 10) 10% = 11 [Interval 3] (110 + 11) * 10% = 12.1

As a result, based on how user updates collateral, penalty amount becomes different, which should not.


Less penalty is imposed to users who do not update their collateral in-time.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Penalty amount calculation formula has to be updated as follows: PenaltyAmount = OwedM * ((1 + PenaltyRate) ^ Intervals - 1)

Duplicate of #37

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid; medium(11)