sherlock-audit / 2023-10-mzero-judging

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fibonacci - If `updateCollateralInterval` is 0, minters are penalized for undercollateralization with each update #79

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago



If updateCollateralInterval is 0, minters are penalized for undercollateralization with each update


If the updateCollateralInterval value is set to 0, this leads to an incorrect calculation of the collateral amount, and minters get penalized for undercollateralization.

Vulnerability Detail

When a minter updates the collateral value by calling the MinterState::updateCollateral function, there is a check and penaltization for missed updates.

In the _getMissedCollateralUpdateParameters function, we observe that if the updateInterval value is 0, it is considered as having no missed interval, so no penalties are imposed at all.

// If brand new minter or `updateInterval_` is 0, then there is no missed interval charge at all.

if (lastUpdateTimestamp_ == 0 || updateInterval_ == 0) return (0, penalizeFrom_);

There is also test coverage for this scenario.

function test_getMissedCollateralUpdateParameters_zeroNewUpdateInterval() external {
    (uint40 missedIntervals_, uint40 missedUntil_) = _minterGateway.getMissedCollateralUpdateParameters({
        lastUpdateTimestamp_: uint40(block.timestamp) - 48 hours, // This does not matter
        lastPenalizedUntil_: uint40(block.timestamp) - 24 hours, // This does not matter
        updateInterval_: 0

    assertEq(missedIntervals_, 0);
    assertEq(missedUntil_, uint40(block.timestamp) - 24 hours);

After this check, the collateral is updated, and a new lastUpdateTimestamp_ is set to the current block.timestamp.

Finally, the _imposePenaltyIfUndercollateralized function is called.

The issue arises after updating lastUpdateTimestamp. If updateCollateralInterval is 0, the collateralOf function starts returning 0 because it checks that:

block.timestamp >= collateralExpiryTimestampOf(minter_)

Where the expiry timestamp is the same as the current block.timestamp:

_minterStates[minter_].updateTimestamp + updateCollateralInterval()


Thus, the miner is not penalized for missed updates, but with each update, they get a penalty for undercollateralization, and this penalty is calculated from the entire amount of the collateral.

_imposePenalty(minter_, principalOfActiveOwedM_ - principalOfMaxAllowedActiveOwedM_);

As it is a low-probability case that can result in a fund loss (high impact), it might be considered a medium issue.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


-        if (block.timestamp >= collateralExpiryTimestampOf(minter_)) return 0;
+        if (block.timestamp > collateralExpiryTimestampOf(minter_)) return 0;
rickkk137 commented 5 months ago
minTimestamp_ = _verifyValidatorSignatures(

Actually minTimestamp will be choose between block.timestamp and validator's signature timestamps and i think if timestamp for validators would be smaller than block.timestamp your senario woud be correct

0xf1b0 commented 5 months ago

My bad, @pasha9990 you are right.