sherlock-audit / 2023-10-notional-judging

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ZanyBonzy - No check for active L2 Sequencer #2

Open sherlock-admin opened 10 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 10 months ago



No check for active L2 Sequencer


Using Chainlink in L2 chains such as Arbitrum requires to check if the sequencer is down to avoid prices from looking like they are fresh although they are not according to their recommendation

Vulnerability Detail

The SingleSidedLPVaultBase and CrossCurrencyVault contracts make the getOraclePrice external call to the TradingModule contract. However, the getOraclePrice in the TradingModule makes no check to see if the sequencer is down.


If the sequencer goes down, the protocol will allow users to continue to operate at the previous (stale) rates and this can be leveraged by malicious actors to gain unfair advantage.

Code Snippet

    function _getOraclePairPrice(address base, address quote) internal view returns (uint256) {
        (int256 rate, int256 precision) = TRADING_MODULE.getOraclePrice(base, quote);
        require(rate > 0);
        require(precision > 0);
        return uint256(rate) * POOL_PRECISION() / uint256(precision);

        (int256 rate, int256 rateDecimals) = TRADING_MODULE.getOraclePrice(

    function getOraclePrice(address baseToken, address quoteToken)
        returns (int256 answer, int256 decimals)
        PriceOracle memory baseOracle = priceOracles[baseToken];
        PriceOracle memory quoteOracle = priceOracles[quoteToken];

        int256 baseDecimals = int256(10**baseOracle.rateDecimals);
        int256 quoteDecimals = int256(10**quoteOracle.rateDecimals);

        (/* */, int256 basePrice, /* */, uint256 bpUpdatedAt, /* */) =;
        require(block.timestamp - bpUpdatedAt <= maxOracleFreshnessInSeconds);
        require(basePrice > 0); /// @dev: Chainlink Rate Error

        (/* */, int256 quotePrice, /* */, uint256 qpUpdatedAt, /* */) =;
        require(block.timestamp - qpUpdatedAt <= maxOracleFreshnessInSeconds);
        require(quotePrice > 0); /// @dev: Chainlink Rate Error

        answer =
            (basePrice * quoteDecimals * RATE_DECIMALS) /
            (quotePrice * baseDecimals);
        decimals = RATE_DECIMALS;

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to follow the Chailink example code

jeffywu commented 9 months ago

Valid, good suggestion

jeffywu commented 9 months ago

nevillehuang commented 9 months ago

Just to further avoid any potential escalations (if it helps), I am aware of the recent sherlock rule changes here:

  1. Chain re-org and network liveness related issues are not considered valid. Exception: If an issue concerns any kind of a network admin (e.g. a sequencer), can be remedied by a smart contract modification, the procol team considers external admins restricted and the considered network was explicitly mentioned in the contest README, it may be a valid medium. It should be assumed that any such network issues will be resolved within 7 days, if that may be possible.

Imo, this constitutes a valid medium given considered network (Arbitrum) was explicitly mentioned in the contest README and external admins are restricted as seen below here

On what chains are the smart contracts going to be deployed?

Arbitrum, Mainnet, Optimism

and here:

Are the admins of the protocols your contracts integrate with (if any) TRUSTED or RESTRICTED?

RESTRICTED, see answer to question below: "In case of external protocol integrations, are the risks of external contracts pausing or executing an emergency withdrawal acceptable?" Our understanding of the external protocols is that the scope of admin functionality is restricted.

MLON33 commented 9 months ago


xiaoming9090 commented 9 months ago

Fixed in PR 76