sherlock-audit / 2023-10-perennial-judging

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0xkaden - Broken market efficiency invariant check #35

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 10 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 10 months ago



Broken market efficiency invariant check


The market efficiency invariant check in Market._invariant fails to be properly checked in most cases due to an unexpected short circuit.

Vulnerability Detail

In Market._invariant we validate that the market efficiency is above a specified limit as defined by the riskParameter.

if (
    newOrder.liquidityCheckApplicable(context.marketParameter) && &&
) revert MarketEfficiencyUnderLimitError();

We first validate, newOrder.liquidityCheckApplicable(context.marketParameter), and if the result is false then we short circuit out of this check and don't bother validating the market efficiency. The problem with this is that there are reasonable circumstances in which liquidityCheckApplicable will return false.

To understand, first note that market efficiency is measured as maker / max(long, short). So if we reduce maker, we are reducing the efficiency. If the order is decreasing its maker position, and marketParameter.makerCloseAlways is set as true, then liquidityCheckApplicable returns false.

function liquidityCheckApplicable(
    Order memory self,
    MarketParameter memory marketParameter
) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return !marketParameter.closed &&
        ((self.maker.isZero()) || !marketParameter.makerCloseAlways || increasesMaker(self)) &&
        ((self.long.isZero() && self.short.isZero()) || !marketParameter.takerCloseAlways || increasesTaker(self));

Failing to check the market efficiency when a position change results in reduced market efficiency allows the market to become dangerously inefficient. Furthermore, since this market inefficiency check will be properly executed when orders which increase efficiency are executed, those orders will be reverted as the current market inefficiency will be insufficient, exacerbating the efficiency problem of the market.


Core market invariant broken, leading to significant protocol risk including potential market insolvency.

Code Snippet

See 'Vulnerability Detail' for code snippets.

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider removing liquidityCheckApplicable check from efficiency invariant check.

sherlock-admin2 commented 10 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

invalid, this is exactly what makerCloseAlways is for - to allow maker to reduce even if it breaks the efficiency invariant

kbrizzle commented 10 months ago

The purpose of the makerCloseAlways flag is to allow maker's to close their positions even when the liquidity invariants would otherwise be violated.

A low efficiency is also not inherently dangerous, it just increases the likelihood of the market entering a period of "socialization" (automated de-leveraging).