sherlock-audit / 2023-11-covalent-judging

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ljj - Delegators can cause loss of rewards to validators. #103

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago



Delegators can cause loss of rewards to validators.


Delegator is able to grief a Validator and cause the Validator considerable loss of rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

there is an offchain system, which controls the behaviour of rewardValidators and the "amounts" that is passed to it:

  • when there is a Quorum event emitted, the offchain system takes note of that, and queries for the current staked amount of the system.
  • then the system determines the how much cqt each validator deserve based on ratio of stakes and per-blockspecimen-reward.
  • the values are tracked. Then every 12 hours, the reward values are aggregated and rewardValidators is called.

Shown above is the intended use of the system. A malicious user will stake enough on a validator to fill delegationMaxCap , and frontrun all _finalizeWithParticipants() (this function emits the Quorum event) calls with their own _unstake() call to lower the amount of reward this validator would get. Malicious delegator will call backrun this same call with their recoverUnstaking() call and fill out delegationMaxCap again.


Loss of funds for validators

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual review


Implement a new cooldown period for Unstakings and use it in recoverUnstaking() function. Example shown below.

struct Unstaking {
        uint128 coolDownEnd; // epoch when unstaking can be redeemed
++      uint128 recoverCooldownEnd; // epoch when recovering can happen 
        uint128 amount; // # of unstaked CQT
 function recoverUnstaking(uint128 amount, uint128 validatorId, uint128 unstakingId) external whenNotPaused {
        require(validatorId < validatorsN, "Invalid validator");
        require(_validators[validatorId].unstakings[msg.sender].length > unstakingId, "Unstaking does not exist");
++      require(uint128(block.number) > us.recoverCoolDownEnd);
        //... rest of the function ...

Duplicate of #47

noslav commented 7 months ago

fixed by implement recoverUnstakingCoolDown period for recoverUnstaking levera…