sherlock-audit / 2023-11-covalent-judging

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qmdddd - The coolDown mechanism can be bypassed for some validators #76

Closed sherlock-admin closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago



The coolDown mechanism can be bypassed for some validators


The coolDown mechanism can be bypassed for some validators

Vulnerability Detail

When a user makes a unstake, the protocol will use a coolDown mechanism to delay the user's actual withdrawal.

function _unstake:

// create unstaking instance
        uint128 coolDownEnd = uint128(v.disabledAtBlock != 0 ? v.disabledAtBlock : block.number);
        unchecked {
            coolDownEnd += (isValidator ? validatorCoolDown : delegatorCoolDown);
        uint128 unstakeId = uint128(v.unstakings[msg.sender].length);
        v.unstakings[msg.sender].push(Unstaking(coolDownEnd, effectiveAmount));

function transferUnstakedOut:

require(uint128(block.number) > us.coolDownEnd, "Cooldown period has not ended");

However, combined with the function redelegateUnstaked, some validators can bypass the coolDown mechanism, thereby completing instant unstakes and withdrawals.

The attack scenario is as follows:

  1. The protocol adds a validator A (the attacker), and initially disabledAtBlock is 1.

  2. Validator A acts as a delegator to stake on other active validators.

  3. Validator A unstake from other active validators (labeled usX for convenience).

  4. For usX, validator A uses the function redelegateUnstaked to delegate it to himself/herself.

    The only check is:

    require(newStaked <= validatorMaxStake, "Validator max stake exceeded");
  5. Unstake from himself/herself. Since disabledAtBlock is 1, coolDownEnd will be 1+validatorCoolDown, which means there is a high probability that it is smaller than block.number. So withdrawals can be made directly.


The coolDown mechanism can be bypassed for some validators

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


In function redelegateUnstaked, disable msg.sender as newValidator.

Duplicate of #78

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:
