sherlock-audit / 2023-11-covalent-judging

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cergyk - BlockSpecimenProofChain::submitBlockSpecimenProof Block specimen producer can greatly reduce session duration by submitting fake block specimen in the future #79

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 7 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago



BlockSpecimenProofChain::submitBlockSpecimenProof Block specimen producer can greatly reduce session duration by submitting fake block specimen in the future


Block specimen producers submit specimens for a given block number during a limited time called a session. Any block producer can start a session by calling submitBlockSpecimenProof for a given block number. This means that a block specimen producer can start a session for a block which does not exist yet, and severily reduce the actual session time, since honest block specimen producer can only participate between the time the block has been created and the end of session.

Vulnerability Detail

We can see that a session is started when the first specimen for the block height is submitted:

This means that if a malicious block specimen producer has sent some invalid data for a block height which is in the future, the session is still started for that block. The following check ensures that a producer can not call submit for a block too far in the future:

But since the default value for cd.allowedThreshold would be 100 blocks, and a session duration would be approximately 240 blocks, we can see that a malicious block producer can reduce the actual session duration for honest producers by half.


The block specimen production session can be greatly reduced by a malicious producer (up to a half with current deploy parameters).

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Please consider starting the session at the estimated timestamp of the considered blockHeight:

- session.sessionDeadline = uint64(block.number + _blockSpecimenSessionDuration);
+ uint64 timestampOnDestChain = (blockHeight-cd.blockOnTargetChain)*cd.secondsPerBlock-cd.blockOnCurrentChain*_secondsPerBlock; 
+ session.sessionDeadline = uint64(timestampOnDestChain + _blockSpecimenSessionDuration);
sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid: user can submit fake here also; medium(3)

noslav commented 7 months ago

we can mitigate this a bit although not completely as we’re currently tied to this way of doing things. We use the block numbers on the current chain (aka current block number on moonbeam + number of blocks to wait for session duration) to determine the deadline for any input block specimen number.. there’s currently no way to know the head of the source chain (ethereum) except through the estimated calculation being done in the contract where block time * time diff from last chain sync tx and we can use to create a shorted upper bound so blocks too far in the future cannot be submitted!

noslav commented 7 months ago

partially fixed by impl proof submission upper bounds to mitigate future block deadlines

CergyK commented 6 months ago


sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.