sherlock-audit / 2023-11-olympus-judging

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Drynooo - Wrong function used to get totalSupply #112

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



Wrong function used to get totalSupply


In the _getReserves function of the AuraBalancerSupply contract, the totalSupply function is incorrectly used to obtain the supply, which may cause the final calculated supply to be incorrect.

Vulnerability Detail

In the _getReserves function, the totalSupply function is used to obtain the supply. According to Balancer's suggestion in the comments, the supply obtained by totalSupply is inaccurate. If there are anti-reentrancy measures, it is best to use getActualSupply.


    function _getReserves(Pool storage pool) internal view returns (SPPLYv1.Reserves memory) {
        // Get the balancer pool token balance of the manager
        uint256 balBalance = pool.balancerPool.balanceOf(polManager);
        // If an aura pool is defined, get the underlying balance and add to the balancer pool balance before adding to the total POL supply
        // We don't have to do a ERC4626 shares to assets conversion because aura pools are all 1:1 with balancer pool balances
        if (address(pool.auraPool) != address(0)) balBalance += pool.auraPool.balanceOf(polManager);

        // Get the pool tokens and total balances of the pool
        (address[] memory _vaultTokens, uint256[] memory _vaultBalances, ) = balVault.getPoolTokens(

        // Get the total supply of the balancer pool
        uint256 balTotalSupply = pool.balancerPool.totalSupply();


This may lead to supply inaccuracies, which may affect OHM's exchange price.

Code Snippet


    function _getReserves(Pool storage pool) internal view returns (SPPLYv1.Reserves memory) {
        // Get the balancer pool token balance of the manager
        uint256 balBalance = pool.balancerPool.balanceOf(polManager);
        // If an aura pool is defined, get the underlying balance and add to the balancer pool balance before adding to the total POL supply
        // We don't have to do a ERC4626 shares to assets conversion because aura pools are all 1:1 with balancer pool balances
        if (address(pool.auraPool) != address(0)) balBalance += pool.auraPool.balanceOf(polManager);

        // Get the pool tokens and total balances of the pool
        (address[] memory _vaultTokens, uint256[] memory _vaultBalances, ) = balVault.getPoolTokens(

        // Get the total supply of the balancer pool
        uint256 balTotalSupply = pool.balancerPool.totalSupply();

Tool used

Manual Review


The contract already uses the anti-reentrancy method, so it is recommended to use the getActualSupply function.

Duplicate of #155