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tvdung94 - BunniPrice::getBunniTokenPrice() returns incorrect price #138

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



BunniPrice::getBunniTokenPrice() returns incorrect price


BunniPrice::getBunniTokenPrice() returns incorrect price

Vulnerability Detail

BunniPrice::getBunniTokenPrice() incorrectly returns the whole value of bunni token instead of price.

    function getBunniTokenPrice(
        address bunniToken_,
        uint8 outputDecimals_,
        bytes calldata params_
    ) external view returns (uint256) {
        // Decode the parameters
        BunniParams memory params;
            params = abi.decode(params_, (BunniParams));
            if (params.bunniLens == address(0)) {
                revert BunniPrice_Params_InvalidBunniLens(params.bunniLens);

            // Check for invalid bunniToken_
            if (bunniToken_ == address(0)) {
                revert BunniPrice_Params_InvalidBunniToken(bunniToken_);

        // Validate the token
        BunniToken token = BunniToken(bunniToken_);
        BunniLens lens = BunniLens(params.bunniLens);
            address tokenHub;
            try token.hub() returns (IBunniHub tokenHub_) {
                tokenHub = address(tokenHub_);
            } catch (bytes memory) {
                revert BunniPrice_Params_InvalidBunniToken(bunniToken_);

            // Validate the lens
            address lensHub;
            try lens.hub() returns (IBunniHub lensHub_) {
                lensHub = address(lensHub_);
            } catch (bytes memory) {
                revert BunniPrice_Params_InvalidBunniLens(params.bunniLens);

            // Check that the hub matches
            if (tokenHub != lensHub) {
                revert BunniPrice_Params_HubMismatch(tokenHub, lensHub);

        // Validate reserves

        // Fetch the reserves
   >>>     uint256 totalValue = _getTotalValue(token, lens, outputDecimals_);  // @audit - this is total value not price.  
       // @audit - need to add price calculation code
        return totalValue;


Returned price is much bigger than reality. Can potentially lead to fund loss.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


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Duplicate of #198