sherlock-audit / 2023-11-olympus-judging

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0x52 - Balancer LP valuation methodologies use the incorrect supply metric #155

Open sherlock-admin opened 9 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago



Balancer LP valuation methodologies use the incorrect supply metric


In various Balancer LP valuations, totalSupply() is used to determine the total LP supply. However this is not the appropriate method for determining the supply. Instead getActualSupply should be used instead. Depending on the which pool implementation and how much LP is deployed, the valuation can be much too high or too low. Since the RBS pricing is dependent on this metric. It could lead to RBS being deployed at incorrect prices.

Vulnerability Detail


uint256 balTotalSupply = pool.balancerPool.totalSupply();
uint256[] memory balances = new uint256[](_vaultTokens.length);
// Calculate the proportion of the pool balances owned by the polManager
if (balTotalSupply != 0) {
    // Calculate the amount of OHM in the pool owned by the polManager
    // We have to iterate through the tokens array to find the index of OHM
    uint256 tokenLen = _vaultTokens.length;
    for (uint256 i; i < tokenLen; ) {
        uint256 balance = _vaultBalances[i];
        uint256 polBalance = (balance * balBalance) / balTotalSupply;

        balances[i] = polBalance;

        unchecked {

To value each LP token the contract divides the valuation of the pool by the total supply of LP. This in itself is correct, however the totalSupply method for a variety of Balancer pools doesn't accurately reflect the true LP supply. If we take a look at a few Balancer pools we can quickly see the issue:

This pool shows a max supply of 2,596,148,429,273,858 whereas the actual supply is 6454.48. In this case the LP token would be significantly undervalued. If a sizable portion of the reserves are deployed in an affected pool the backing per OHM would appear to the RBS system to be much lower than it really is. As a result it can cause the RBS to deploy its funding incorrectly, potentially selling/buying at a large loss to the protocol.


Pool LP can be grossly under/over valued

Code Snippet


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Manual Review


Use a try-catch block to always query getActualSupply on each pool to make sure supported pools use the correct metric.

0xJem commented 9 months ago

This is a valid issue and highlights problems with Balancer's documentation.

We are likely to drop both the Balancer submodules from the final version, since we no longer have any Balancer pools used for POL and don't have any assets that require price resolution via Balancer pools.