Incorrect ProtocolOwnedLiquidityOhm calculation due to inclusion of other user's reserves
ProtocolOwnedLiquidityOhm for Bunni can include the liquidity deposited by other users which is not protocol owned
Vulnerability Detail
The protocol owned liquidity in Bunni is calculated as the sum of reserves of all the BunniTokens
function getProtocolOwnedLiquidityOhm() external view override returns (uint256) {
uint256 len = bunniTokens.length;
uint256 total;
for (uint256 i; i < len; ) {
TokenData storage tokenData = bunniTokens[i];
BunniLens lens = tokenData.lens;
BunniKey memory key = _getBunniKey(tokenData.token);
total += _getOhmReserves(key, lens);
unchecked {
return total;
The deposit function of Bunni allows any user to add liquidity to a token. Hence the returned reserve will contain amounts other than the reserves that actually belong to the protocol
// @audit callable by any user
function deposit(
DepositParams calldata params
returns (uint256 shares, uint128 addedLiquidity, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)
Incorrect assumption of the protocol owned liquidity and hence the supply. An attacker can inflate the liquidity reserves
The wider system relies on the supply calculation to be correct in order to perform actions of economical impact
it will be determined to get backing
so it will have an economical impact, as we could be exchanging ohm for treasury assets at a wrong price
Incorrect ProtocolOwnedLiquidityOhm calculation due to inclusion of other user's reserves
ProtocolOwnedLiquidityOhm for Bunni can include the liquidity deposited by other users which is not protocol owned
Vulnerability Detail
The protocol owned liquidity in Bunni is calculated as the sum of reserves of all the BunniTokens
The deposit function of Bunni allows any user to add liquidity to a token. Hence the returned reserve will contain amounts other than the reserves that actually belong to the protocol
Incorrect assumption of the protocol owned liquidity and hence the supply. An attacker can inflate the liquidity reserves The wider system relies on the supply calculation to be correct in order to perform actions of economical impact
Code Snippet
POL liquidity is calculated as the sum of bunni token reserves
BunniHub allows any user to deposit
Tool used
Manual Review
Guard the deposit function in BunniHub or compute the liquidity using shares belonging to the protocol