sherlock-audit / 2023-11-olympus-judging

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ast3ros - Incompatibility of ERC4626 vault with different asset and underlying decimals #195

Closed sherlock-admin closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago



Incompatibility of ERC4626 vault with different asset and underlying decimals


The ERC4626 vault implementation incorrectly restricts compatibility to vaults where the asset and underlying token decimals are the same, potentially excluding many valid ERC4626 vaults.

Vulnerability Detail

The getPriceFromUnderlying function in the ERC4626 vault implementation checks for the equality of assetDecimals and underlyingDecimals. If they are not equal, the function reverts:

    uint256 assetScale;
        uint8 assetDecimals = asset.decimals();
        uint8 underlyingDecimals = ERC20(underlying).decimals();
        // This shouldn't be possible, but we check anyway
        if (assetDecimals != underlyingDecimals) {
            revert ERC4626_AssetDecimalsMismatch(assetDecimals, underlyingDecimals);

        // Don't allow an unreasonably large number of decimals that would result in an overflow
        if (assetDecimals > BASE_10_MAX_EXPONENT) {
            revert ERC4626_AssetDecimalsOutOfBounds(assetDecimals, BASE_10_MAX_EXPONENT);

        assetScale = 10 ** assetDecimals;

However, many vaults intentionally set assetDecimals differently from underlyingDecimals, often at a higher value, to mitigate specific risks like vault donation attacks. This approach is used in OpenZeppelin's ERC4626 implementation:

See the OpenZeppelin implentation:

    * @dev Decimals are computed by adding the decimal offset on top of the underlying asset's decimals. This
    * "original" value is cached during construction of the vault contract. If this read operation fails (e.g., the
    * asset has not been created yet), a default of 18 is used to represent the underlying asset's decimals.
    * See {IERC20Metadata-decimals}.
    function decimals() public view virtual override(IERC20Metadata, ERC20) returns (uint8) {
        return _underlyingDecimals + _decimalsOffset();

Furthermore, EIP-4626 does not mandate that vault's decimals must match the underlying token’s decimals

    Although the convertTo functions should eliminate the need for any use of an EIP-4626 Vault’s decimals variable, it is still strongly recommended to mirror the underlying token’s decimals if at all possible, to eliminate possible sources of confusion and simplify integration across front-ends and for other off-chain users.


This limitation in the ERC4626 vault implementation prevents it from being compatible with any ERC4626 Vaults that have different decimals from their underlying assets, thus significantly reducing its applicability.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Modify the implementation to handle the scenario where the vault's decimals differ from the underlying's decimals, instead of reverting

0xJem commented 6 months ago

Imo not worth the effort to implement it. The EIP encourages to have the same decimals, and that's what the solmate implementation does. On top of that, by restricting ERC4626 vault decimals to be the same as the underlying asset decimals, we ensure there won't be any bugs.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Since this is a design decision of olympus, closing issue as the only impact would constitute opportunity loss which is not accepted in sherlock.