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Krishnakumarskr - `OlympusPricev2::getPrice()` with Variant.Current might run out of gas on using UniV3 and BPT price feeds #21

Closed sherlock-admin closed 9 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago



OlympusPricev2::getPrice() with Variant.Current might run out of gas on using UniV3 and BPT price feeds


When OlympusPricev2::getPrice() is called with Variant.Current for a certain asset whose UniV3 or Balancer price feed was added with selector UniswapV3Price.getTokenTWAP.selector or BalancerPoolTokenPrice.getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool.selector it recursively calls the getPrice() function resulting in the utilization of millions in gas.

Vulnerability Detail

For this issue, the following scenario must apply:

//Uniswap V3
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.UNIV3"), // SubKeycode target
                UniswapV3Price.getTokenTWAP.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedThreeParams) // bytes memory params

                toSubKeycode("PRICE.BPT"), // SubKeycode subKeycode_
                BalancerPoolTokenPrice.getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool.selector, // bytes4 functionSelector_
                abi.encode(bptParams) // bytes memory params_

Uniswap V3 price feed When getPrice() is called for an asset OHM or WETH with variant as Current, the getPrice() will be called recursively from UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP() to search for a quote token.


  1. Me calling OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(ohm), Variant.Current)
  2. OlympusPricev2 calls UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP() with OHM as a lookUpToken.
  3. UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP() calls OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(weth), Variant. Current) with WETH as the quote token.
  4. Since the Uniswap V3 price feed for WETH is present OlympusPricev2 calls UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP() with WETH as a lookUpToken.
  5. Now the UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP() calls OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(ohm), Variant. Current) with OHM as the quote token.
  6. And, thus recursively calling each other.

Balancer price feed When getPrice() is called for an asset OHM or RSV with a variant as Current, the getPrice() will be called recursively from BalancerPoolTokenPrice::getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool() to search for a destination token. Steps:

  1. Me calling OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(ohm), Variant.Current)
  2. OlympusPricev2 calls BalancerPoolTokenPrice::getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool() with OHM as a lookUpToken.
  3. BalancerPoolTokenPrice::getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool() calls OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(reserve), Variant. Current) with RSV as the destination token.
  4. Since the BPT price feed for RSV is present OlympusPricev2 calls BalancerPoolTokenPrice::getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool() with RSV as a lookUpToken.
  5. Now the BalancerPoolTokenPrice::getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool() calls OlympusPricev2::getPrice(address(ohm), Variant. Current) with OHM as the destination token.
  6. And, thus recursively calling each other.

Surprisingly, for some reason this recursive call is finite and the final price is being returned, but still, from the POC below you can see it made around 120 calls to getPrice() utilizing a maximum of 6+ million in gas.

POC for UniV3

The below function can be pasted inside PRICE.v2.t.sol

Note: Running the test with the following command where the gas limit is set to 50 Million

forge test --mt test_RecursiveUniV3 --gas-limit 50000000 -vvv --gas-report
    function test_RecursiveUniV3() public {
        uint256 nonce_ = 10;


        // WETH - One feed with no strategy
            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams memory ethParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams(
                uint48(24 hours)

            UniswapV3Price.UniswapV3Params memory uniswapParam = UniswapV3Price
                .UniswapV3Params(ohmEthUniV3Pool, uint32(60 seconds), 0);

            PRICEv2.Component[] memory feeds = new PRICEv2.Component[](2);
            feeds[0] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode subKeycode_
                ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getOneFeedPrice.selector, // bytes4 functionSelector_
                abi.encode(ethParams) // bytes memory params_
            feeds[1] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.UNIV3"), // SubKeycode target
                UniswapV3Price.getTokenTWAP.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(uniswapParam) // bytes memory params

                address(weth), // address asset_
                true, // bool storeMovingAverage_ // don't track WETH MA
                false, // bool useMovingAverage_
                // uint32(0), // uint32 movingAverageDuration_
                // uint48(0), // uint48 lastObservationTime_
                // new uint256[](0), // uint256[] memory observations_
                uint32(5 days), // uint32 movingAverageDuration_
                uint48(block.timestamp), // uint48 lastObservationTime_
                _makeRandomObservations(twoma, feeds[0], nonce_, uint256(15)), // uint256[] memory observations_
                    abi.encode(uint256(300)) // 3% deviation
                ), // Component memory strategy_
                feeds //

        //OHM - Three feeds using the getMedianPriceIfDeviation strategy
            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams memory ohmFeedOneParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                .OneFeedParams(ohmUsdPriceFeed, uint48(24 hours));

            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.TwoFeedParams memory ohmFeedTwoParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                    uint48(24 hours),
                    uint48(24 hours)

            UniswapV3Price.UniswapV3Params memory ohmFeedThreeParams = UniswapV3Price
                .UniswapV3Params(ohmEthUniV3Pool, uint32(60 seconds), 0);

            PRICEv2.Component[] memory feeds = new PRICEv2.Component[](3);
            feeds[0] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode target
                ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getOneFeedPrice.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedOneParams) // bytes memory params
            feeds[1] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode target
                ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getTwoFeedPriceMul.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedTwoParams) // bytes memory params
            feeds[2] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.UNIV3"), // SubKeycode target
                UniswapV3Price.getTokenTWAP.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedThreeParams) // bytes memory params

                address(ohm), // address asset_
                true, // bool storeMovingAverage_ // track OHM MA
                false, // bool useMovingAverage_ // do not use MA in strategy
                uint32(30 days), // uint32 movingAverageDuration_
                uint48(block.timestamp), // uint48 lastObservationTime_
                _makeRandomObservations(ohm, feeds[0], nonce_, uint256(90)), // uint256[] memory observations_
                    abi.encode(uint256(300)) // 3% deviation
                ), // Component memory strategy_
                feeds // Component[] feeds_


        console2.log('start get price......', gasleft());
        (uint256 priceRec,) = price.getPrice(address(ohm), PRICEv2.Variant.CURRENT);
        console2.log('end get price....', gasleft());
        console2.log('price', priceRec);


Logs from the above test

  start get price...... 45634130
  end get price.... 39629773
  price 10000000000000000000

From the log, the total gas used is 6004357 which is around 6 million in gas

Gas Report In this table, we can the getPrice() was called 118 times and the max gas utilized is 6 Million src/modules/PRICE/OlympusPrice.v2.sol:OlympusPricev2 contract
Deployment Cost Deployment Size
3582631 18033
Function Name min avg median max # calls
INIT 856 856 856 856 1
KEYCODE 237 237 237 237 8
addAsset 1091077 2070666 2070666 3050255 2
decimals 352 1352 1352 2352 2
getPrice 803 2903541 2897286 6000315 118
getSubmoduleForKeycode 1019 2019 2019 3019 2
installSubmodule 56619 62220 56809 78645 4
kernel 889 889 889 889 1


The below function can be pasted inside PRICE.v2.t.sol

Note: Running the test with the following command where the gas limit is set to 50 Million

forge test --mt test_RecursiveBPTCall --gas-limit 50000000 -vvv --gas-report
    function test_RecursiveBPTCall() public {
        uint256 nonce_ = 10;

                        memory bptParams = BalancerPoolTokenPrice.BalancerWeightedPoolParams(


        //OHM - Three feeds using the getMedianPriceIfDeviation strategy
            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams memory ohmFeedOneParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                .OneFeedParams(ohmUsdPriceFeed, uint48(24 hours));

            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.TwoFeedParams memory ohmFeedTwoParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                    uint48(24 hours),
                    uint48(24 hours)

            UniswapV3Price.UniswapV3Params memory ohmFeedThreeParams = UniswapV3Price
                .UniswapV3Params(ohmEthUniV3Pool, uint32(60 seconds), 0);

            PRICEv2.Component[] memory feeds = new PRICEv2.Component[](3);
            feeds[0] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode target
                ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getOneFeedPrice.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedOneParams) // bytes memory params
            feeds[1] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode target
                ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getTwoFeedPriceMul.selector, // bytes4 selector
                abi.encode(ohmFeedTwoParams) // bytes memory params
            // feeds[2] = PRICEv2.Component(
            //     toSubKeycode("PRICE.UNIV3"), // SubKeycode target
            //     UniswapV3Price.getTokenTWAP.selector, // bytes4 selector
            //     abi.encode(ohmFeedThreeParams) // bytes memory params
            // );
            feeds[2] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.BPT"), // SubKeycode subKeycode_
                BalancerPoolTokenPrice.getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool.selector, // bytes4 functionSelector_
                abi.encode(bptParams) // bytes memory params_

                address(ohm), // address asset_
                true, // bool storeMovingAverage_ // track OHM MA
                false, // bool useMovingAverage_ // do not use MA in strategy
                uint32(30 days), // uint32 movingAverageDuration_
                uint48(block.timestamp), // uint48 lastObservationTime_
                _makeRandomObservations(ohm, feeds[0], nonce_, uint256(90)), // uint256[] memory observations_
                    abi.encode(uint256(300)) // 3% deviation
                ), // Component memory strategy_
                feeds // Component[] feeds_

        // RSV - Two feeds using the getAveragePriceIfDeviation strategy
            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams memory reserveFeedOneParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                .OneFeedParams(reserveUsdPriceFeed, uint48(24 hours));

            ChainlinkPriceFeeds.TwoFeedParams memory reserveFeedTwoParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds
                    uint48(24 hours),
                    uint48(24 hours)

            PRICEv2.Component[] memory feeds = new PRICEv2.Component[](2);
            feeds[0] = PRICEv2.Component(
            // feeds[1] = PRICEv2.Component(
            //     toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), // SubKeycode subKeycode_
            //     ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getTwoFeedPriceMul.selector, // bytes4 functionSelector_
            //     abi.encode(reserveFeedTwoParams) // bytes memory params_
            // );
            feeds[1] = PRICEv2.Component(
                toSubKeycode("PRICE.BPT"), // SubKeycode subKeycode_
                BalancerPoolTokenPrice.getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool.selector, // bytes4 functionSelector_
                abi.encode(bptParams) // bytes memory params_

                address(reserve), // address asset_
                true, // bool storeMovingAverage_ // track reserve MA
                false, // bool useMovingAverage_ // do not use MA in strategy
                uint32(30 days), // uint32 movingAverageDuration_
                uint48(block.timestamp), // uint48 lastObservationTime_
                _makeRandomObservations(reserve, feeds[0], nonce_, uint256(90)), // uint256[] memory observations_
                    abi.encode(uint256(300)) // 3% deviation
                ), // Component memory strategy_
                feeds // Component[] feeds_


        console2.log('start get price......', gasleft());
        (uint256 priceRec,) = price.getPrice(address(ohm), PRICEv2.Variant.CURRENT);
        console2.log('end get price....', gasleft());
        console2.log('price', priceRec);


Logs from the above test

  start get price...... 43824932
  end get price.... 37473045
  price 10000000000000000000

From the log, the total gas used is 6351887 which is around 6.3 million in gas

Gas Report In this table, we can the getPrice() was called 120 times and the max gas utilized is 6.3 Million src/modules/PRICE/OlympusPrice.v2.sol:OlympusPricev2 contract
Deployment Cost Deployment Size
3582631 18033
Function Name min avg median max # calls
INIT 856 856 856 856 1
KEYCODE 237 237 237 237 8
addAsset 2821740 2930029 2930029 3038318 2
decimals 352 1352 1352 2352 2
getPrice 803 3038831 3025634 6347845 120
getSubmoduleForKeycode 1019 2019 2019 3019 2
installSubmodule 56619 62220 56809 78645 4
kernel 889 889 889 889 1

The same issue will arise while adding the BPT token of the OHM/RSV pool from OlympusPricev2::addAsset() since this function calls the _getCurrentPrice() function. The impact is less here since it will only be called by the protocol and not public.

This issue will also occur if the price feed is added with the selector BalancerPoolTokenPrice.getTokenPriceFromStablePool.selector.


Any internal or external contract using the getPrice() function has to send extremely high gas for the call to be successful. Any protocol's contract or external contract using this function will be affected. If a default estimated gas were sent then most of the time the transaction would run out of gas. Under the scenario mentioned above, the getPrice() function could be unusable because of high gas utilization.

Code Snippet

Call to submodules from Olympusv2

Call to Olympusv2::getPrice() from getTokenTWAP()

Call to Olympusv2::getPrice() from getTokenPriceFromWeightedPool()

Tool used

Manual Review


Mitigating this issue is a little tricky to do without state storage. One possible solution is to skip looking for a price feed if msg. sender is from the same Module.

0xJem commented 9 months ago

I don't feel this is a valid issue.

In order for the wETH asset to use the UniV3 pool as a price feed source, it needs to resolve the price of OHM using getPrice(). However, as that is the second step in the test case, PRICE will revert with an error that OHM is not an approved asset. When I ran the test case, I received that exact error:

[FAIL. Reason: PRICE_PriceFeedCallFailed(0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3)] test_RecursiveUniV3() (gas: 1112413)
  [1112413] PriceV2Test::test_RecursiveUniV3()
    ├─ [0] VM::startPrank(ModuleTestFixture: [0x117C65b3995f51936afB66fa3c66296D2B354915])
    │   └─ ← ()
    ├─ [2997] OlympusPricev2::getSubmoduleForKeycode(0x50524943452e434841494e4c494e4b0000000000000000000000000000000000) [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← ChainlinkPriceFeeds: [0x99e37f6D9F7Af71351A60b1cDD916Ee472a931ec]
    ├─ [2352] OlympusPricev2::decimals() [staticcall]
    │   └─ ← 18
    ├─ [15545] ChainlinkPriceFeeds::getOneFeedPrice(MockERC20: [0xdFA2Bb34a233298336fE0bF10fADda4E4603e9cD], 18, 0x000000000000000000000000806a39dd29d6c8cf4bf35963a075eb7ae4eb7b700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015180) [staticcall]
    │   ├─ [2340] MockPriceFeed::decimals() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 8
    │   ├─ [7083] MockPriceFeed::latestRoundData() [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← 1, 200000000000 [2e11], 0, 1608336000 [1.608e9], 1
    │   └─ ← 2000000000000000000000 [2e21]
    ├─ [1045771] OlympusPricev2::addAsset(MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], true, false, 432000 [4.32e5], 1608336000 [1.608e9], [1855846295220781833263 [1.855e21], 1951878728671415474615 [1.951e21], 1965440266510336798525 [1.965e21], 1960147867268711278075 [1.96e21], 2111090864048154311336 [2.111e21], 2023668389616712338321 [2.023e21], 1986325470766305789479 [1.986e21], 1856205467494912428259 [1.856e21], 1786702731249314109404 [1.786e21], 1696773723883489182720 [1.696e21], 1804310637902476800000 [1.804e21], 2003009145096000000000 [2.003e21], 2103117540000000000000 [2.103e21], 1991400000000000000000 [1.991e21], 2000000000000000000000 [2e21]], Component({ target: 0x50524943452e53494d504c455354524154454759000000000000000000000000, selector: 0xe309de0d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, params: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012c }), [Component({ target: 0x50524943452e434841494e4c494e4b0000000000000000000000000000000000, selector: 0x8daf88ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, params: 0x000000000000000000000000806a39dd29d6c8cf4bf35963a075eb7ae4eb7b700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015180 }), Component({ target: 0x50524943452e554e495633000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, selector: 0x8807610b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, params: 0x000000000000000000000000dacaec5fa996be92f45ef16840a1ba8b85c85a68000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 })])
    │   ├─ [3049] Kernel::modulePermissions(0x5052494345000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, ModuleTestFixture: [0x117C65b3995f51936afB66fa3c66296D2B354915], 0xcc79ed6500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) [staticcall]
    │   │   └─ ← true
    │   ├─ emit PriceStored(asset_: MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], price_: 2000000000000000000000 [2e21], timestamp_: 1608336000 [1.608e9])
    │   ├─ [5045] ChainlinkPriceFeeds::getOneFeedPrice(MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], 18, 0x000000000000000000000000806a39dd29d6c8cf4bf35963a075eb7ae4eb7b700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015180) [staticcall]
    │   │   ├─ [340] MockPriceFeed::decimals() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← 8
    │   │   ├─ [1083] MockPriceFeed::latestRoundData() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← 1, 200000000000 [2e11], 0, 1608336000 [1.608e9], 1
    │   │   └─ ← 2000000000000000000000 [2e21]
    │   ├─ [40057] UniswapV3Price::getTokenTWAP(MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], 18, 0x000000000000000000000000dacaec5fa996be92f45ef16840a1ba8b85c85a68000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) [staticcall]
    │   │   ├─ [4817] MockUniV3Pair::slot0() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true
    │   │   ├─ [2287] MockUniV3Pair::token0() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3]
    │   │   ├─ [2936] MockUniV3Pair::token1() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← MockERC20: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6]
    │   │   ├─ [270] MockERC20::decimals() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← 9
    │   │   ├─ [270] MockERC20::decimals() [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← 18
    │   │   ├─ [11985] UniswapV3OracleHelper::getTWAPRatio(MockUniV3Pair: [0xDACAEc5FA996be92F45Ef16840A1Ba8B85c85A68], 60, MockERC20: [0x25690f2BCf09D7e1286Fc35378433CfD3006E7C3], MockERC20: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], 18) [delegatecall]
    │   │   │   ├─ [6410] MockUniV3Pair::observe([60, 0]) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   │   └─ ← [-100000000 [-1e8], -109255432 [-1.092e8]], []
    │   │   │   └─ ← 199983942441 [1.999e11]
    │   │   ├─ [2781] OlympusPricev2::getPrice(MockERC20: [0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6], 0) [staticcall]
    │   │   │   └─ ← PRICE_AssetNotApproved(0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6)
    │   │   └─ ← PRICE_AssetNotApproved(0x2b42C737b072481672Bb458260e9b59CB2268dc6)

This is by design - when adding an asset, the configuration is validated so that an invalid asset configuration cannot be added.