sherlock-audit / 2023-11-olympus-judging

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squeaky_cactus - Allowing inconsistent time slices, the moving average can misrepresent the mean price #39

Closed sherlock-admin closed 9 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 10 months ago



Allowing inconsistent time slices, the moving average can misrepresent the mean price


On creation OlympusPricev2 is provided an observationFrequency, the expected frequency at which prices are stored for moving average (MA).

OlympusPricev2.storePrice() calculates the latest asset price and updates the moving average, but lacks any logic to ensure the timeliness of updates, or consistency in the time between updates.

The MA in OlympusPricev2 is a simple moving average (SMA), where the points of time-series data taken for the SMA can have inconsistent time spacing, meaning the SMA will contain a degree of error in the following of the line graph of all the points, due to even weighting of points irrespective of intervals. (The average produced may not be accurately following movements in the underlying data).

Vulnerability Detail

The expectation of how much time will be between moving average updates if given as observationFrequency_ in the OlympusPricev2 constructor

    /// @param observationFrequency_    Frequency at which prices are stored for moving average
    constructor(Kernel kernel_, uint8 decimals_, uint32 observationFrequency_) Module(kernel_) {

Updating the MA

When the update of the MA happens, there are no guards or checks enforcing the currentTime is observationFrequency away from the lastObservationTime in OlympusPricev2.storePrice

    function storePrice(address asset_) public override permissioned {
    Asset storage asset = _assetData[asset_];

    // Check if asset is approved
    if (!asset.approved) revert PRICE_AssetNotApproved(asset_);

    // Get the current price for the asset
    (uint256 price, uint48 currentTime) = _getCurrentPrice(asset_);

    // Store the data in the obs index
    uint256 oldestPrice = asset.obs[asset.nextObsIndex];
    asset.obs[asset.nextObsIndex] = price;

    // Update the last observation time and increment the next index
    asset.lastObservationTime = currentTime;
    asset.nextObsIndex = (asset.nextObsIndex + 1) % asset.numObservations;

    // Update the cumulative observation, if storing the moving average
    if (asset.storeMovingAverage)
        asset.cumulativeObs = asset.cumulativeObs + price - oldestPrice;

    // Emit event
    emit PriceStored(asset_, price, currentTime);

The currentTime is a return value, but that is simply returning the current block.timestamp in __getCurrentPrice

            return (price, uint48(block.timestamp));

With storePrice having no restriction on how short or long after the currentTime could be away from the lastObservationTime, the time between the data points in the SMA are not guaranteed to be consistent.

When the MA is calculated, each data point is given equal weighting by [OlympusPricev2._getMovingAveragePrice]()

        // Calculate moving average
        uint256 movingAverage = asset.cumulativeObs / asset.numObservations;

Providing an equal weighting to each value, irrespective of the time interval between them, introduces the potential for distortion in the MA.

As OlympusPricev2.storePrice() exists as a part of a larger system, lets looks how further into upstream interactions.


The call to OlympusPricev2.storePrice() occurs in the RBS Policy Heart.beat() (out of scope for the audit, but included to provide context), that itself is called by an incentivized keeper, with a target interval of 8 hours.

    function beat() external nonReentrant {
        if (!active) revert Heart_BeatStopped();
        uint48 currentTime = uint48(block.timestamp);
        if (currentTime < lastBeat + frequency()) revert Heart_OutOfCycle();

        // Update the OHM/RESERVE moving average by store each of their prices on the PRICE module

(currentTime < lastBeat + frequency()) checks that at least observationFrequency time has passed since the last beat. OlympusPricev2.storePrice() will not be called at intervals of less than observationFrequency`, but there is nothing preventing longer time intervals.

Incentivized keeper

An external actor who performs operations usually driven by financial incentives, where timeliness of actions rely on the incentives providing a return on performing the action. Incentivizes are subject to free market conditions, for Heart.beat() the variables being the valuation of the incentives and the cost of gas.

The effect of time intervals

When selecting data points from a time-series data set and no accounting for different time intervals between them is made, there can be unintended effects.

For a quick example to shows a small average during a change from a time of sidewards moving price into a strong upward trending price, lets assume the following properties:

Two tests, each with two 10 hour intervals and three 8 hour intervals, the different being one has the longer intervals in the beginning, the other at the end.

A quick test logging the MA after each update produces these results:

[PASS] test_linear_price_ma_closer_early_points() (gas: 793044)

[PASS] test_linear_price_ma_closer_later_points() (gas: 792999)

With a result that is likely to surprise nobody, the test with the two 10 hours intervals at the beginning score a larger MA (~0.9% larger MA, over an underlying price increase of ~18%).

Irregular time intervals can have a real impact during a strong, consistent trend.

Proof of Concept - Sample Data

To generate the sample data, add the below Solidity to PRICE.v2.t.sol and run forge test --match-test test_linear_price_ma -vv

    uint private constant START_PRICE = 10e8;       // Alpha USD feed is 8 decimals
    uint private constant PARSED_PRICE = 10e18;     // Oracle after parsed by Olympus code is 18 decimals

    /// MA with longer time between the two earliest data points
    function test_linear_price_ma_closer_later_points() external {
        uint startTime = block.timestamp;
        uint80 roundId = 1;

        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 10 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 20 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 28 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 36 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 44 hours, roundId++);

    /// MA with longer time between the two latest data points
    function test_linear_price_ma_closer_early_points() external {
        uint startTime = block.timestamp;
        uint80 roundId = 1;

        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 8 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 16 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 24 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 34 hours, roundId++);
        storeLinearPriceIncrease( startTime, startTime + 44 hours, roundId++);

    /// Linear increase of price by 10% every 24 hours
    function storeLinearPriceIncrease( uint startTime, uint timeNow, uint80 roundId) private {

        uint tenPercentBPS = 1_000;
        uint oneHundredPercentBPS = 10_000;
        uint timePassed = timeNow-startTime;
        uint priceIncrease = (START_PRICE * timePassed * tenPercentBPS) / (24 hours * oneHundredPercentBPS);
        uint priceNow = START_PRICE + priceIncrease;




    function log_ma() private {
        (uint256 ma,) = price.getPrice(address(alpha), PRICEv2.Variant.MOVINGAVERAGE);
        emit log_uint(ma);

    // Add the Alpha with a single feed and moving average stored, but not used in price calculations
    function _addAlphaSingleFeedStoreMA() private {
        ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams memory alphaParams = ChainlinkPriceFeeds.OneFeedParams(alphaUsdPriceFeed, uint48(24 hours));
        PRICEv2.Component[] memory feeds = new PRICEv2.Component[](1);
        feeds[0] = PRICEv2.Component(toSubKeycode("PRICE.CHAINLINK"), ChainlinkPriceFeeds.getOneFeedPrice.selector, abi.encode(alphaParams));
        price.addAsset(address(alpha), true, false, uint32(40 hours), uint48(block.timestamp), _makeStaticObservations(uint256(5)), PRICEv2.Component(toSubKeycode(bytes20(0)), bytes4(0), abi.encode(0)), feeds);

    function _makeStaticObservations(uint observationCount) private returns (uint256[] memory){
        uint[] memory observations = new uint[](observationCount);
        for (uint i = observationCount; i > 0; --i) {
            observations[i - 1] = PARSED_PRICE;
        return observations;


These three areas impacted by an inaccurate MA: price retrieval, MA timespan and MA retrieval.

Price retrieval

The MA can be included in the current price calculation by the strategies in SimplePriceFeedStrategy, with the degree of impact varying by strategy and whether the feeds are live (e.g. Tests have OHM and RSV with multiple feeds), which seriously reduce the likelihood of every encountering them i.e. as multiple simultaneous feed failures are required for the MA to constitute the price or a large component of it.

Moving average timespan

When adding an asset the param movingAverageDuration_ is used in combination with observationFrequency to calculate the number of data points to use in the SMA. Due to the incentivized keeper update mechanism, the time between observations is likely to differ from observationFrequency, where the timespan of the entire MA could be materially different to the duration given when adding the asset. If the timespan was chosen due to risk modelling (rather than an implicit calculation for the number of SMA points), this would be unfortunate, as the models would not be match the actual behaviour.

Moving average retrieval

The more impactful use of the OlympusPricev2 MA is with the RBS policy, accessed in Operator.targetPrice() as part of updating the target price for the RANGE module. Range Bound Stability being the mechanism that stabilizes the price of OHM, by using the MA as the anchor point to decide upper and lower bounds, and consequent actions to stabilize the OHM price.

An inaccurate MA would lead to an incorrect target price, then the wrong amount of corrective action when attempting the price stabilization would follow, ultimately costing the protocol (by selling less OHM during up-trends, deploying less of the Treasury during down-trends, while aso providing less stability to OHM then intended).

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review, Forge test


There are two parts, the price weighting and timespan drift.

Price weighting

Switching from a SMA to a time-weight average price (TWAP).

Timespan drift

Keeping with the idea of a protocol that does require manual intervention, a feedback loop to trigger amending the incentives for calling Heat.beat(), that would be the nice approach of steering the timespan of the moving average to move towards the expected movingAverageDuration_. It could either be included as part of the heartbeat or a separate monitor.

0xJem commented 10 months ago

Acknowledgement of the issue. However, disagree with the severity. storePrice is permissioned, so only a policy installed by the owner, the DAO MS, can call it, and the policy can only be called by a whitelisted address.

Low-medium severity

0xrusowsky commented 10 months ago

IAm0x52 commented 10 months ago


Function is permissioned and actors calling it are trusted.

With a result that is likely to surprise nobody, the test with the two 10 hours intervals at the beginning score a larger MA (~0.9% larger MA, over an underlying price increase of ~18%).

Watson's example is small variance from true price. Given the permissioned nature and small impact to price, this should be low.

sherlock-admin2 commented 10 months ago


Function is permissioned and actors calling it are trusted.

With a result that is likely to surprise nobody, the test with the two 10 hours intervals at the beginning score a larger MA (~0.9% larger MA, over an underlying price increase of ~18%).

Watson's example is small variance from true price. Given the permissioned nature and small impact to price, this should be low.

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nevillehuang commented 10 months ago

@0xJem Can you verify the complexity of ensuring such a storePrice is appropriately called to ensure accurate movingAverage? If its not complex, I agree with @IAm0x52 that this could be low severity.

0xJem commented 10 months ago


Function is permissioned and actors calling it are trusted.

With a result that is likely to surprise nobody, the test with the two 10 hours intervals at the beginning score a larger MA (~0.9% larger MA, over an underlying price increase of ~18%).

Watson's example is small variance from true price. Given the permissioned nature and small impact to price, this should be low.

Agreed on this - storePrice is permissioned and called by the Heart contract, which can only be called every 8 hours.

We have added additional checks to prevent prices from being stored too early (e.g. if a policy were configured to be called more frequently), but the system in its current form would not do that.

CjHare commented 10 months ago

storePrice is permissioned, so only a policy installed by the owner, the DAO MS, can call it, and the policy can only be called by a whitelisted address.

Although the function is permissioned and role trusted, the problem is caused by a parameter the caller has no directly control over, the block (and block timestamp) their transaction invoking storePrice() is included in.

CjHare commented 10 months ago

We have added additional checks to prevent prices from being stored too early (e.g. if a policy were configured to be called more frequently), but the system in its current form would not do that.

Is there a control over how long there is between updates of storePrice?

An incentivized keep model (assuming no alternative motivation beside economic self-interest) needs the rewards to exceed the gas consumed to trigger the storePrice transaction.

Historically in times of market volatility, gas prices were also volatile, and setting transaction low prices to execute at a later time rather than the current market price for quick inclusion, would be a profitable approach.

Without knowing the incentive model, I can't really weigh in on the broader impact within the scope of the RBS system, nor how any potential drift affects that system, without knowing the tolerances in the models being used.

0xJem commented 10 months ago

Although the function is permissioned and role trusted, the problem is caused by a parameter the caller has no directly control over, the block (and block timestamp) their transaction invoking storePrice() is included in.

The only way in the current system design for storePrice to be called is through the beat() function in the Heart contract (deployed as a user-facing policy). The Heart contract can only be called after 8 hours (it has a protection against that, and has been deployed with that functionality for some time), which de-facto means that storePrice is only called in the current system after 8 hours, so the MA price storage cannot be more frequent.

If storePrice() were an un-permissioned function, we would of course be having a very different discussion. But it is permissioned and callable only by a policy. There is a need for a check, to prevent a hypothetical mis-configured policy from triggering this issue, which was acknowledged earlier, and hence the suggestion to include this as a valid issue.

IAm0x52 commented 10 months ago

Fix looks good. Store price now reverts if insufficient time has passed.

CjHare commented 9 months ago

Although the function is permissioned and role trusted, the problem is caused by a parameter the caller has no directly control over, the block (and block timestamp) their transaction invoking storePrice() is included in.

The only way in the current system design for storePrice to be called is through the beat() function in the Heart contract (deployed as a user-facing policy). The Heart contract can only be called after 8 hours (it has a protection against that, and has been deployed with that functionality for some time), which de-facto means that storePrice is only called in the current system after 8 hours, so the MA price storage cannot be more frequent.

If storePrice() were an un-permissioned function, we would of course be having a very different discussion. But it is permissioned and callable only by a policy. There is a need for a check, to prevent a hypothetical mis-configured policy from triggering this issue, which was acknowledged earlier, and hence the suggestion to include this as a valid issue.

The issue is for when the time between calls by the heartbeat are substantially longer than the desired 8, not shorter.

My takeaway from the docs and Discord conversations being there is a limit on the lower bounds (time between updates cannot be shorter than 8 hours), but not on the upper bounds. With an incentivize keeper being relied on to trigger the heartbeat (and subsequent storePrice()). Does that hold true, or did I miss understand the setup?

0xJem commented 9 months ago

Assuming the MA price is stored by the Heart contract (which is how it's setup currently), there is a minimum (8 hours), but no maximum. The heartbeat system has been running for over a year now and the current increasing reward auction has worked very well at causing the heartbeat to occur within a few minutes of the minimum.

Czar102 commented 9 months ago

It seems that the incentive part is out of scope as well, since it concerns the Heart.beat() function?

Planning to accept the escalation and consider this issue invalid.

Czar102 commented 9 months ago

Result: Invalid Has duplicates

sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: