sherlock-audit / 2023-12-avail-judging

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IvanFitro - AvailBridge.sol :: sendMessage() Users can submit excess fees, and the surplus is not refunded. #63

Closed sherlock-admin closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 8 months ago



AvailBridge.sol :: sendMessage() Users can submit excess fees, and the surplus is not refunded.


sendMessage() is employed to transmit a message from Ethereum to Avail, accompanied by a fee determined by the message length. However, if users submit an excess fee, the surplus amount is not refunded.

Vulnerability Detail

sendMessage() is used to send a message from Ethreum to Avail.

function sendMessage(bytes32 recipient, bytes calldata data) external payable whenNotPaused {
        uint256 length = data.length;
        if (length >= MAX_DATA_LENGTH) {
            revert ExceedsMaxDataLength();
        // ensure that fee is above minimum amount
        if (msg.value < getFee(length)) {
            revert FeeTooLow();
        uint256 id;
        unchecked {
            id = messageId++;
@>      fees += msg.value;
        Message memory message = Message(
            MESSAGE_TX_PREFIX, bytes32(bytes20(msg.sender)), recipient, ETH_DOMAIN, AVAIL_DOMAIN, data, uint64(id)
        // store message hash to be retrieved later by our light client
        isSent[id] = keccak256(abi.encode(message));

        emit MessageSent(msg.sender, recipient, id);

The code verifies whether msg.value < getFee(length) to ensure that the user-provided amount covers the fee. However, it fails to check if the sent amount exceeds the required fee. This oversight results in users paying more fees than necessary because the fee calculation uses msg.value instead of getFee(length).

fees += msg.value


To run the POC, copy the provided code into AvailBridgeTest.t.sol.

function test_sendMessage_SendsExcessiveFee(bytes32 to, bytes calldata data) external {

        //the fee and the amount send by the user
        uint256 feePerByte = 1e15;
        uint256 amount = 1e18;

        //sets the fee ratio

        vm.assume(data.length < 102_400);

        address from = makeAddr("from");

        //create the message
        IAvailBridge.Message memory message = IAvailBridge.Message(0x01, bytes32(bytes20(from)), to, 2, 1, data, 0);

        vm.prank(from);, amount);

        //send message
        bridge.sendMessage{value: amount}(to, data);

        //message is correctly registred
        assertEq(bridge.isSent(0), keccak256(abi.encode(message)));

        //fees are correctly sended
        assertEq(bridge.fees(), amount);

        //balance of the user
        assertEq(from.balance, 0);


Loss of funds of the users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review.


An effective solution involves utilizing getFee(length) instead of msg.value and subsequently refunding any excess amount to the user.

function sendMessages(bytes32 recipient, bytes calldata data) external payable whenNotPaused {
        uint256 length = data.length;
        if (length >= MAX_DATA_LENGTH) {
            revert ExceedsMaxDataLength();
        // ensure that fee is above minimum amount
        if (msg.value < getFee(length)) {
            revert FeeTooLow();
        uint256 id;
        unchecked {
            id = messageId++;
-       fees += msg.value;
+       fees += getFee(length);
        Message memory message = Message(
            MESSAGE_TX_PREFIX, bytes32(bytes20(msg.sender)), recipient, ETH_DOMAIN, AVAIL_DOMAIN, data, uint64(id)
        // store message hash to be retrieved later by our light client
        isSent[id] = keccak256(abi.encode(message));

+       if(msg.value > getFee(length)) {
+           uint256 amountRefunded = msg.value - getFee(length);
+           (bool success, ) ={value: amountRefunded}("");
+           require(success, "Transfer failed");
+       }

        emit MessageSent(msg.sender, recipient, id);
sherlock-admin commented 8 months ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

tsvetanovv commented:

Invalid. User mistake. See Sherlock documentation

takarez commented:

valid because { valid and a duplicate of isssue 013}