sherlock-audit / 2023-12-dodo-gsp-judging

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nuthan2x - Pool balancing swappers aren't attracted due to unupdated target state after sync action #138

Closed sherlock-admin closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago



Pool balancing swappers aren't attracted due to unupdated target state after sync action


More pool balancers could have been attracted whenever there's a reserve change. But DODO v3 GSP doesn't update on certain actions.

Vulnerability Detail


Missing out the involvement of pool balancers due to unUpdated target states.

Code Snippet

    function _sync() internal {
        uint256 baseBalance = _BASE_TOKEN_.balanceOf(address(this)) - uint256(_MT_FEE_BASE_);
        uint256 quoteBalance = _QUOTE_TOKEN_.balanceOf(address(this)) - uint256(_MT_FEE_QUOTE_);
        require(baseBalance <= type(uint112).max && quoteBalance <= type(uint112).max, "OVERFLOW");
        if (baseBalance != _BASE_RESERVE_) {
            _BASE_RESERVE_ = uint112(baseBalance);
        if (quoteBalance != _QUOTE_RESERVE_) {
            _QUOTE_RESERVE_ = uint112(quoteBalance);
        if (_IS_OPEN_TWAP_) _twapUpdate();

    function sync() external nonReentrant {

Tool used

Manual Review


Skyewwww commented 6 months ago

Target is updated with the current R state before each swap action.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Hi @Skyewwww could you point me to the logic where the swap action invokes update to the target based on current R state?

Skyewwww commented 6 months ago

Hi @Skyewwww could you point me to the logic where the swap action invokes update to the target based on current R state?

Hi, please refer to the querySellQuote/querySellBase. The target is updated using getPMMState().

    function getPMMState() public view returns (PMMPricing.PMMState memory state) {
        state.i = _I_;
        state.K = _K_;
        state.B = _BASE_RESERVE_;
        state.Q = _QUOTE_RESERVE_;
        state.B0 = _BASE_TARGET_; // will be calculated in adjustedTarget
        state.Q0 = _QUOTE_TARGET_;
        state.R = PMMPricing.RState(_RState_);

    function adjustedTarget(PMMState memory state) internal pure {
        if (state.R == RState.BELOW_ONE) {
            state.Q0 = DODOMath._SolveQuadraticFunctionForTarget(
                state.B - state.B0,
        } else if (state.R == RState.ABOVE_ONE) {
            state.B0 = DODOMath._SolveQuadraticFunctionForTarget(
                state.Q - state.Q0,